[REQ] Accessible areas for certain groups

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by awesom03, May 9, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Looking for a plugin which would only give people with certain permissions access to specific areas. Ideally I would be able to map out the area with a 'wand' and it would kick people out of the area if they did not have the specific permission node.

    It would also be very helpful if an option was given to charge the player with the permission to access the area a certain amount of cash via iconomy. I'm sure that this could be achieved via the same sort of lines as the setborder plugin and/or the turnstile plugin.

    The main plugin that it would need to be compatible with would be permissions and preferably iconomy, if possible. Thanks in advance
  2. My plugin can do loads of what you want, except for iConomy as of now. The link is in my signature : REGIOS
  3. Offline


    Thanks for the reply, plugins been installed, i'll let you know how it gets on ;)
  4. :D
  5. Offline


    I tried Regios, but my server crashed and would not clear until I removed Regios (and I even had to get the server tech guys to remove the jar file because my FTP program could not do it!). Now that it is gone, the server works great. I wish I had a way of selecting regions and protecting them.
  6. I think that must have been a one off incidient or maybe your not running the same version of bukkit.
  7. Offline


    Cheers very much, the plugins working a charm. Just what we wanted :D
  8. Offline


    OK, Regios is in, and I can select regions and name them, use the welcome and exit parts, etc. But I still can’t protect regions from people building in them. What do I specifically do to only allow admin and mods to build in protected areas?
  9. @thenetherman /regios protect <Region name> Any mods you want to bypass protection just give them 'regios.bypass'
  10. Offline


    Thanks for the quick response! I look forward to testing it out.

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