Checking server time.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by WeeSkilz, Sep 23, 2014.

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    I need to check the time in ticks automatically every few seconds (read: 100 ticks) I was wondering how I would do this?

    I was thinking that an ASync task would be the best way, but I then thought that I shouldn't use it to call a Bukkit method.

    Any suggestions?
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    Cerberus XII

    WeeSkilz, Depends you could use a task as long as it doesn't execute that much code otherwise it will slowly destroy the server and it won't be able to keep up xD
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    WeeSkilz Like time since the server has started? Or System.currentTimeMillis?
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    To run an operation at a certain time in the Minecraft day.

    Server day time, in ticks.
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    That was suggested to me yesterday. I think that's what I'll do.
  7. WeeSkilz I wouldn't go with async unless you needed to, though. And if you do go with async, don't call the Bukkit API.
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    Of course :p
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