Solved Plugin.yml Colors and multiple description lines?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by jonassvensson44, Sep 7, 2014.

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    Hello I just want to ask you if it is possible to add colors to the plugin.yml. So when you type /help pluginName there will be colors and not just the regular color.

    And 2nd question, can i add multiple description lines for each command? Exampel:
    /help pluginName

    /command1: Description Line 1
    Description Line 2
    /command2: Description Line 1
    Description Line 2
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    You could probably use the sign character inside some string literal quotes to add color.
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    mythbusterma Could you give me an exampel? If I add &1 &2 etc to the plugin.yml it wont read it. But I guess you're talking about something else and im just stupid to understad :D
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    jonassvensson44 This is interesting, try doing this in your plugin.yml:

    IT WILL MOST LIKELY NOT WORK, but why not test it? :D
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    There is also a \u(...)<color> (...) Are the numbers that I dont remember, that work like the § (and probably have more chances to work since java can't really read the character §)
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    LCastr0 Ahh! Totally forgot these color codes. Im gonna test them when I get home.
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    Java has no problem interpreting the sign character, YAML, on the other hand, doesn't do well with it.

    The workaround for it is this ^, you can use the unicode value for the sign character in place of the actual character.

    Another useless method, why not use ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes() ?
    Zarkopafilis and SmooshCakez like this.
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    \u00a7<color>, aqua = \u00a7b
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    LCastr0 This didn't work. It just prints out the text usage:\u00A7a/command

    EDIT: I think I know what to do now. Thanks all of you :)
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    What was your solution?
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    Missed that one
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