Beacon Beam without Beam - Help

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Nagynorbiii, Aug 20, 2014.

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    I need help! I need a plugin, what make a Beacon Beam without Beacon - Only Beam - like in the photo! This photo made by the Beacon - delay (2sec.) bug.
    I hope you find plugin, because I don't found.
    Thanks: Nagynorbii
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    I'm not sure that this is even remotely possible
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    xTigerRebornx No. I want only a beam with a plugin. But I don't know this plugin. My idea " Particle Plugin ".
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    Nagynorbiii It is impossible to have the Beacon Beam without a Beacon presently there. If you want to make a particle plugin, I would suggest finding a different particle to use.
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    Oh I understand... But I know in 1.8 have a new command ( /particle? ) what make different cool effects. But I hate 1.8 because there are no IDs like 4 only names like minecraft:cobblestone . Or plugin give ID to blocks? like 1.7 ?
    Other question: Can I change my name from Nagynorbiii ? I wrote bad name...
    Thanks: Nagynorbiii
    I am sorry, but I am Hungarian, and I don't speak English very well.
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