Custom admin plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by TheAffeColl22, Aug 18, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Hey i want a plugin that you can type /warn (player) (reason) and the name on it is going to be BeamStaff and i also want commands like /tempmute (player) (reason) (time) and /mute (player) (reason) and now the permissions you can set all the permissions by yourself but just tell me in the chat what you will need to add to use it to lower ranks i hope someone could make and thanks if you do
  2. Offline


    Im sure there are a lot of plugins with these features. Also this isn't enough information to create a new plugin.
    All commands? Just /warn without /unwarn would be a bad plugin. Permissions? 'lower ranks' Whats that?
    Are you using a permissions plugin? I don't know. Please read this guide before you request a plugin:
  3. Offline


  4. Offline


    I just need help to make a plugin thats good for staff could you make it?

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