Youtuber/Streamer Announce

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by BrandonBreh, Aug 17, 2014.

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    Suggested name: Youbtube/Twitch Announce

    What I want: A plugin that gives your youtubers/streamers an extra little boost to keep going. Also to inform your players when someone is streaming or recording.

    Yes there is a plugin similar to this but there is no /youtubers or /streamers to show people a list of everyone. Also the prefix is always [Youtuber] so even if streamers used /stream, then it would say youtuber in front of it, which looks awkward.

    Ideas for commands:

    An editable [Prefix] would be cool.

    /Youtubers, a list that is formattable in a config where you can put the youtubers channel links.
    ex. -===========[Prefix]=========-

    ex. -===========[Prefix]=========-

    /Stream, a command so when someone with the permission uses it, it will say the following
    ex. [Prefix]Example is now streaming live via Twitch.Tv/Notch

    /Record, a command so when someone with the permission uses it, it will say the following
    ex.[Prefix]Example is now recording for his youtube channel.

    Ideas for permissions:

    When I'd like it by:
    Whenever a Dev has time to make it in the next few weeks.

    Let me know below if you would be interested in doing it :D
  2. Why would you need an announcer when you can type "OK, I am recording" "Check out my latest video" As for the Youtubers list! Type /list ingame and see who is under "Youtube:" Rank.
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    It's just a cool feature I would like to have for my server. If you don't want to do it, please don't respond.
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    Marten Mooij

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    I specifically made a section for this, I will repeat it,

    Yes there is a plugin similar to this but there is no /youtubers or /streamers to show people a list of everyone. Also the prefix is always [Youtuber] so even if streamers used /stream, then it would say youtuber in front of it, which looks awkward.
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    BrandonBreh Just looking at this not saying I am going to make it, but do you want the commands to have the message configurable from the config.yml. Like the players listed?
  7. Offline


    Yea probably. It would be nice. I need to edit it per player somehow so I can put a youtuber/streamers link in. Either that or you can make it so you do /stream <channel link> and then the channel link gets put at the end of the message. Which ever is easier to be honest.
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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
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    gal0511 Wow what a guy! Terrific man! Thank You! PMd you for a small bug and small request!
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