Players can't break, place, pvp ETC

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by CaptainPlotty, Aug 13, 2014.

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  1. Offline


    Hello once again,
    Once again I have a problem with my server :(
    As soon as I think things are running smooth.. NOPE.

    So players cannot break blocks, place blocks, attack others and they dont get attacked by mobs.
    I have given every group the permission "- modifyworld.*". Still nothing works.

    List of Plugins I use :
    - Autosaver
    - Buycraft
    - Citizens
    - Clearlag
    - cncp
    - CommandNPC
    - Essentials
    - EssentialsChat
    - EssentialsGroupManager
    - EssentialsSpawn
    - Factions
    - HolographicDisplays
    - KitsPreview
    - mcMMO
    - mcore
    - Modifyworld
    - Multiverse-Core 2.4
    - Multiverse-Inventories 2.5
    - Multiverse-Portals 2.4
    - NoCheatPlus
    - RandomTP
    - TimedBroadcast
    - Vault
    - WorldEdit
    - WorldGuard

    I guess nobody wants to help me.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
  2. Offline


    CaptainPlotty By the sound of things I would guess the problem would be settings in essentials config or in the Worldguard config.. I went back and look at your groups and essentials config from your previous problem, but you may have changed some things since. You need to post your essentials config, worldguard config and probably your group.yml and users.yml from the world you are having the problem in. Is it all blocks or just some blocks they can't place or break? Can you place and break blocks? Can you do it when OP'ed? Are you getting any error messages when they try to place or break blocks in game or on the server screen?
  3. Instead of using Group Manager try PEX, it is better. I had this problem once, I tried changing my permissions plugin and worked :) .
  4. Offline


    By any chance can you post your group manager groups file?
  5. Offline


  6. Offline


    Try making "build: false" to "build: true" in group Guest
  7. Offline


    Thank you so much dude!!
    kekistar likes this.
  8. Here to help :p
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    haha :D can't thank you enough.
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