chat message place holder

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by robrobk, Aug 5, 2014.

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    i have a plugin that has a string that it wants to put in players' chat messages.

    in essentials chat config, i have added {mystringplaceholder} and i want to replace it with a string

    how do i do this

    its exactly like plugins such as factions
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    1. getConfig().getString("").replace("{PLAYERNAME}", p.getName());

    Now remember robrobk this is just some quick code, make sure to replace the variables with your own so it fits your code.
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    what i mean is
    player sends a chat message
    essentials intercepts it and changes it to include the placeholder
    my plugin intercepts it and replaces the placeholder with my string
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    Onplayerchat on the highest priority
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    Listen for the chat event, hook into essentials to see it the message contains the place holder, if it does replace the place holder with your string via config.

    In you chat event just do something like if(e.get message().contains(placeholder)) do somthing
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