Tokens [Mines different and simple] [Best Token Idea]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by ThePluginMaker, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Economy

    Suggested name: Tokens

    What I want: Mainly just a plugin that is all in 1, no need for any other plugins like most token shop plugins. This plugin has virtual tokens saved for each person (UUID'S) in just a .yml simple as that, to get tokens just run a command /token give [username] [amount]. Make it so the console can type /token give so if someone want's it so when someone votes they get tokens. The plugin should also have a inventory gui that opens with a command, but that command can be changed in the config (because other servers will want the command to open the token shop different). The prefix for the plugin is configurable, the gui that opens is all configurable. The prices for items are added through the config. Also a good tip possibly make it so that you can add custom items with your own lores and names, so people that have other plugins with custom items. Not sure on how you could do that but yeah :p. Also in the first menu that pops up make it so there's an emerald somewhere in the inventory gui that shoes your current tokens.

    Ideas for commands: /tokens give [username] [amount]
    /tokens take [username] [amount]
    /tokens check [username]

    Ideas for permissions: tokens.give | tokens.take | tokens.check

    When I'd like it by: I got time :p
  2. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    ThePluginMaker TokenShop with the command.yml
    Changing commands in runtime isn't easy.
  3. Offline


    I'll check TokenShop thanks :p
    EDIT: This plugin has a lot of features i do not want, and the commands are not really the same, i guess the command doesn't have to be changeable i'll use MyCommand to change the command.
  4. Offline


    Or use bukkit aliases..
    And just don't give permission to the features you do not want.
  5. Offline


    I have a plugin but it's not exactly mine, i'm not using it but idk where i got it exactly, but it's exactly what i want. But nothing is configurable...
  6. Offline


    I have exactly what you want.
  7. Offline


  8. Offline


    Support for UUIDs: No
    Token Give/Open Shop/Send/Balance Commands: Yes
    Able to change commands via config: No (I can do that for you)
    Configurable prefix: No (I can change that for you)
    Configurable GUI: Yes
    Prices through config: Yes
    Add custom items with lore/enchantments/etc: Yes
    Emerald in menu: No, but there is a /tokens balance command.
    Configurable commands that will be run when someone buys something from the token shop: Yes
  9. Offline


    Well then, is it possible you could do it for me :)
  10. Offline


  11. Offline


    Sounds like BitCoin Eh?

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