Easiest way to do first join action

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Wingas, Aug 1, 2014.

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    easiest way to make like, if new player joins the server bukkit.broadcast("Hello, " + e.getplayer);
    otherwise, if curently joined before, bukkit.broadcast("welcome back "+e.getplayer);

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    Listen to PlayerJoinEvent and check if they've played before using event.getPlayer().hasPlayedBefore(). Wingas
    Wingas likes this.
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    1. @EventHandler
    2. public void Join(PlayerJoinEvent e){
    3. Player p = e.getPlayer();
    4. if(p.hasPlayedBefore()){
    5. Bukkit.broadcast("Welcome " + p);
    6. }else{
    7. Bukkit.broadcast("Welcome back " + p);
    8. }
    Wingas likes this.
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    B3N909 I wish they'd add a dislike feature for spoon feeding.

    EDIT: It's also not functioning... First you call your event "e", then refer to it as "event".
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    TheMcScavenger , just trying to give someone some code that maybe is new to this. Also I messed up on the event... I did not proof read :p
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    Yes, but the problem with that is the fact that they rarely learn from it. Most new people either know how to write it, but don't know which functions to use, or copy & paste code and don't learn from it.
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    TheMcScavenger its all about how the person learns.... Some people like to learn from reading for example the Java docs and Bukkit docs. I for one use examples people post in the forums for help because I learn that way, it lets me understand it better than reading something,
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    B3N909 why not instead of broadcasting the message, you set the Join message?
    Wingas and AoH_Ruthless like this.
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    FabeGabeMC Its what the guy wanted was it to be broadcasted. You could also do that!
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    PlayerJoinEvent#setJoinMessage() is a lot better. If you are outside of the main class, Bukkit#broadcastMessage(String) is not thread-safe and could lead to future errors. But, what nobody else has pointed out is that your code is flat-out-wrong. Besides TheMcScavenger 's point, Bukkit#broadcast() requires two String parameters: the message and a permission; you are giving out wrong code because of your failure to "proof-read". When you help people, try to make sure your code actually doesn't have syntax errors in them :)
    Wingas likes this.
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    :( **
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