Parkour chasse!

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by hugo2000, Jul 29, 2014.


Would you install this plugin

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  1. Offline


    Hey i have made a server basically meant for parkour
    and i tried to find a parkour mini-game (witch i will describe later)but no success.

    Main idea :
    So the plugin idea is basically a parkour chase: so there will be three teams: cops,escapers and spectators.

    How it will work :
    First there will be a lobby, then u will need to right click a sign in the lobby to join a game. In game there will be two starting teams the : escapers(8players) and the polices(2players).
    When game is full (10/10) or that a certain amount of player have voted(witch could be adjusted in configs)there will be a countdown of x amount of time(again adjustable in config),escapers will be on a starting line and the cops 10/15 blocks away. The cops could have a stick that insta kills the escapers on hit,When dead,escapers will be sent to the beginning in spectators team like one in the chamber with fly on kinda.

    How the game goes :
    Like i sed previously there will be countdown x amount of time and then when the games starts the main goal for escapers is to survive for x amount of time(adj in config) and the goal for cops is to kill all the escapers.
    as simple as that :D

    how to create :
    step 1: create a lobby
    step 2: create an arena,name it too
    step 3: create starting blocks for escapers and cops
    step 4: make sign in lobby to join

    suggestion for sign how to create: ParkourChasse
    (arena name)

    suggestion for sign created: ParkourChasse
    (arena name)

    /PC createlobby
    /PC deletelobby
    /PC create (name of arena)
    /PC delete (name of arena)
    /PC setspawn escapers
    /PC setspawn cops

    idk really how this part works so who ever is maybe creating this plugin(which would be awesome :p )
    u can decide the perms.........well actually u decide pretty much everything but it would be very cool if u do it similar to what i described:) the important part is to keep the concept of police chasing escapers :) thx

    thank you really much if you wread every thing i know i may have put a bid much of information i like to talk so ya lol thx

    sry btw if i didn't spell correctly some words,if i wrote too much and if it wasn't clear (i come from canada and I'm learning English) :p so ya thx anyway


    oh ya and the category should be : fun

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
  2. Offline


    If you set this to filled it means that the plugin request has been accepted by a developer.

    As I can see, a developer hasn't accepted this project - devs won't look at this is you keep it as filled.
    omon23 and hugo2000 like this.
  3. Offline


    oh ok didn't know about that thx
  4. Offline


    Removed meaningless discussion.
    hugo2000 and timtower like this.
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    yes thank you
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