
Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by NomicCrafter, Jul 25, 2014.

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    Plugin Category: Chat

    Plugin Name: HandyMessage

    Description: This plugin would include simple commands to allow you to easily send players coloured text. Text can be put onto separate lines in the minecraft chat by using {LINE} to separate lines of text. The text from the example command in the minecraft chat would look like this...

    [Server] This is a message to say that I need a plugin.
    This is the start of line 2.

    - /handymsg <player> <message>
    Example Command:
    - /handymsg @a &7[&5Server&7] &aThis is a message to say that I need a plugin. {LINE}&6This is the start of line 2.

    - handymsg.message - Access to the command.
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    The minecraft chat box can only hold a certain amount of characters. This plugin would be very limited.
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    I know minecraft's chatbox only holds a certain amount of characters, but once the color codes are hidden its a bit better and the plugin could just cut off any extra text that can't fit. I just wanted to make it easier to make text per line instead of finding the right amount of spaces to use before getting to the next line, as if you are using the default chat size settings.
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    He means the chat box, so the text you will send in the command itself will be limited
  5. Offline


    Oh, my bad :/

    Is that the box you open with the 't' key if your controls are set to default. If so, there is also command blocks.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
  6. Offline


    Yeah he means the box you open with 't'. But as far as I know command blocks have the same limitation
  7. Offline


    I have used command blocks a lot and I am almost certain that you can write as much as you want in command blocks and if there is a limit, it is a very huge limit.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    NomicCrafter Isn't that pretty much the tellraw command? https://www.dropbox.com/s/rzl8pq8wzweoizd/TellM.jar
    That is able to do it.
    /tellm <player> <message>
    Send to a specific player
    /tellml <player> <config value>
    Send something from the config to a player
    reload the config
    /tella <message>
    Send a message to all players

    Color codes supported
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  11. Offline


    Thanks, and the tellraw command is basically the same but is not as simple :)

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