About NMS

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by austinv11, Jul 24, 2014.

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  1. Offline


    I'm looking into using NMS in some of my plugins and I was wondering if people had tips for using it for the first time.
  2. Offline


    The same "tip" for pretty much anything else related to programming: don't use code you don't understand.
  3. Offline


    When diving into NMS, be prepared to spend a lot of time trying to understand what the code does. For example, take a look at this method and tell me what it does. I'll wait. To add to the excitement, you can't debug the code to see how it works at runtime unless you create a custom build of bukkit. If you are up for the challenge, you can make some really cool plugins using NMS, but the learning curve is practically vertical.
  4. Offline


    Wouldn't that imply you learn everything instantly?
  5. Offline


    In a way, yes. You spend hours and hours pouring over obfuscated and meaningless code, trying to figure out what it does. Then, all at once, it starts to make sense and you quickly figure out what you need to do. There is nothing gradual about learning to read NMS code.
  6. Offline


    Those hours and hours are the learning curve :p
  7. Offline


    You're kidding, right?
    EDIT: Nevermind, I see where you were going with that comment. In reality it's down to how dedicated you want to be in spending that time understanding NMS. I can't decide whether or not it would be worth it because of the Mod API, but then again, it's not like we can expect them to finish that any time soon...
  8. Offline


  9. Offline


    :) I called out ChunkProviderGenerate because I have a lot of experience in that class from writing Subtereanea. The method I chose is responsible for generating the surface shape of the world and applying a "top-coat" of blocks determined by the current biome. I learned this by noticing the method makes use of the global perlin noise generators (b, l, j, k) and the BiomeBase[] z. I've lost count of how many hours I've spent studying obfuscated terrain generation code.
    Dragonphase likes this.
  10. Offline


    Sounds like hard work. But it pays off I guess!
  11. Offline


    You should check out the redstone physics ಠ_ಠ
    TheSpherret likes this.
  12. Offline


    ?? for loop surrounding blocks. Send current to next wire.
  13. Offline


    I wish...
    desht likes this.
  14. Offline


    Yeah, I have looked at that code in the past. Thought maybe it wouldn't be too hard to get other blocks emitting signals. Haha.
    Garris0n likes this.
  15. Offline


    Thanks for the replies! But I'm moreso looking into editing NBTTags.
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