Solved Change player ping text(?)

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by joeygallegos, Jun 18, 2014.

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    Use the ServerListPingEvent maybe?
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    The text in the upper right is the version. You'll need to use ProtocolLib to modify it.
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    Garris0n Sorry for the ping, I know it's been a while but I literally just realized there were replies.
    This does work, I changed the version text, but it's only visible if client and server version are different. So now I ask this question:
    How would I make it so that the version string is the only thing displayed and hide the players online text when the server is on. I've looked all across the javadocs for protocol lib but can't seem to find anything, is it possible?
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    My plugin can do that: (without playing with code ;) )
    it's old, but works :p
    I have better version with easier configuration, but it's private for now (when I end all important parts, then will be released for public)

    You must change "fakeProtocol" (to random value but no 4 or 5 or 6 - use 1/2 or sometfing like 100) and "VersionName" in config

    PS: Need ProtocolLib ;)
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    Smerfa The VersionName part of your plugin worked for me, but how did you do that in ProtocolLib?
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    Smerfa Hey man, thanks so much! I would use your plugin, but I like custom coding certain things, right now I needed it to get from my config whether or not to allow staff only and to let the other users we're working on something. It's a bit more complicated. But thank you very much, thread solved.
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