Command not reading my if statement?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Mrcool234, Jul 9, 2014.

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    I'm making a 1v1 plugin and want to stop the null point exceptions even if the player types something null but even when I do that it's not sending them the message and I think i'm doing it right but it's not working can someone tell me why. Thank You!

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    Did you check if you can actually access args[1] and args[0] with an args.length check? Strings in args array cannot be normally null, because it is split from a message.
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    Necrodoom Yes,I have tried that and it still does not work but Thank you for the fast reply!


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
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    1. if(args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("join")){
    2. if(args[1].equalsIgnoreCase(args[1])){
    4. if(args[1] != null){
    5. Bukkit.broadcastMessage("§7[§41§cv§41§7]: §4 " + player.getName() + " §2Has Joined§4 " + arenaname);
    6. final World w1 = Bukkit.getWorld((String) getConfig().get(arenaname + ""));
    7. final double x1 = getConfig().getDouble(arenaname + ".spawn1.x");
    8. final double y1 = getConfig().getDouble(arenaname + ".spawn1.y");
    9. final double z1 = getConfig().getDouble(arenaname + ".spawn1.z");
    11. final World w2 = Bukkit.getWorld((String) getConfig().get(arenaname + ""));
    12. final double x2 = getConfig().getDouble(arenaname + ".spawn2.x");
    13. final double y2 = getConfig().getDouble(arenaname + ".spawn2.y");
    14. final double z2 = getConfig().getDouble(arenaname + ".spawn2.z”);
    15. }else{
    16. Bukkit.broadcastMessage("Working");
    17. player.sendMessage("§7[§41§cv§41§7]: §4You must Type an Arena or the Arena doesn't exist!”);
    18. }
    19. }
    20. }

    Try that. Mrcool234
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    maved145 ..............what. Your attempt makes even less sense.

    Mrcool234 paste your edited file then.
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    Necrodoom How. Im simply making it check if args[1] doesn’t equal null then do something else(if it doe equal null) do something else.
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    maved145 1. An arg cannot ever equal null, it is done by splitting the command by spaces, you should make args.length checks like regular array logic.

    2. if(args[1].equalsIgnoreCase(args[1])) should speak for it self. If not, you seriously need to learn Java.
    indyetoile likes this.
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    Necrodoom Well that bit wasn’t my code.
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    maved145 if you are going to fix someone else's code for him and spoonfeed, at least do it right.
    Zupsub likes this.
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    This is not going to work:
    1. if(args[1].equalsIgnoreCase(args[1])){

    You can't check if args[1] equals args[1].

    1. if(args[1] == null){

    Instead of checking if the argument is null (which is impossible), check if there's an arena which equals args[1].
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    Necrodoom Your honestly a jerk. Just leave me alone.
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    maved145 I'm sorry that I don't like it when people feed code without checking if its correct.
    ZodiacTheories and indyetoile like this.
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    Necrodoom i understand that, but you could do it more politely. I know i should of checked the code, but i was kinda in a rush :L
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