Drop Party Plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Jduffygames, May 31, 2014.

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    Plugin category: AdminHelp, Fun

    Suggested name: CustomDP

    What I want: In this plugin there will be a scoreboard that will say
    §a§lDrop Party
    §a§l<Time Left Till DP>

    Then while the drop party is going on it will say
    §a§lDrop Party
    §a§lParty Time!
    §a§l<Time Left Till DP is over>

    There is one command: /dropparty <toggle>
    If they do that it will disable it
    The permission for that is CustomDp.toggle

    There will be a config for this:
    # Custom Drop Party <Version> #
    #Is Drop Party Enabled?
    Enabled? <true/false>

    #Time between drop partys (in minutes)
    Time: 30

    #command that will be done during drop party! (Use {player} for the player name)
    #- eco give {player} 100
    #- give {player} diamond_block 1 1

    Thank you for taking to read this post and if you need to know anymore information please comment!
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  5. Offline


    Lol, why not use dispensers and command blocks?
  6. Offline


    Really? -.- Use your eyes and read
  7. Offline


    Yeah? Use command block (/say Lalalala) and put in how much time it is left... Though it doesn't show real time but yeah... Just use a clock (on your phone maybe) and make the command block say it... Can set it up for you if you want =) Don't need to waste server resources with a no needed plugin :p
  8. Offline


    I know how to use command blocks, Just stop commenting your waisting both of our time
  9. Offline


    Theres nothing in the post that doesn't say why your too lazy to use dispensers and redstone
    but if you never get this filled theres this plugin http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/dropparty/ basicly the same thing you just have to set the chests and theres no scoreboard.
    ampayne2 likes this.
  10. Offline


    Lol, why do you have to be such a meanie :p Just trying to help you
    (like I knew you knew how to use redstone:eek: )
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