PEX with SQL Database

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by WolfLeader116, Jul 4, 2014.

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    So I am very new to SQL databases. I have never had one or gotten a chance to mess around with one. I now have an SQL database and I have just imported PEX's permissions file. I have noticed that it is much harder to read and edit the file.... :/ Is there any way of making phpMyAdmin show the 3 tables similar to a flat file? Don't comment saying "If you don't understand how to read and edit it, don't use it." because that's not going to help me and I'll never learn anything.
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    Did you know that you can go back and forth between flat file and a database?

    I'm working on a permissions tutorial but I do have a section complete covering the conversion back and forth between YAML and SQL.
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    I don't know if the server owner (I'm only the co-owner) will like that. :p But I can just do the PEX stuff because I was the one who managed to get it working in the first place. (I haven't messed around with PEX that often because I didn't feel like bothering to setup modify world before on my test servers so I just used Group Manager.) Thanks though!
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    1. Switch to flat file
    2. Edit flat file
    3. Switch to MySQL
    4. Use import command
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