Alternative to RemoteEntities

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Camaflicks, Jun 23, 2014.

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    Upon creating my entire Hub plugin, I cam to realize that RemoteEntities 1.7 isn't being updated, thus meaning I cannot use it on my 1.7.9 server. This is bad for since I am the dev on a network and we are in dire need of these stationary mobs. I would post the code, but it is useless since RemoteEntities doesn't even work.

    Are there any known alternatives to this? Or does someone have a premade plugin that does this, or maybe does someone happen to know NMS, because I sure don't

    Any how, thank you for reading this. I hope EntityAPI comes out sooner or later.
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    BungeeTheCookie Well I feel dumb :/ I forgot to check Jenkins :p Thanks dude

    BungeeTheCookie Still doesn't work :p Well this sucks... are there seriously no alternatives? How do you update NMS?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
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    macboinc I know. I said it isn't out yet :/
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    Oh *facepalm*
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    Camaflicks Citizens allows for Entity NPCs (that I am sure you can make stand still)
    Could always try that
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    Well, you could go on github paste everything, and in the main class, remove the version checking line in the onEnable() method
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    Put remote entities into your project (download the zip from GitHub) and update all of the classes, use CraftBukkit in your build path.
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