ErmaDollars - PvP Money

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by GianlucaPMC, Jun 14, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: ChatRelated, General and Informational

    Suggested name: ErmaDollars

    What I want: I'd like a plugin that when a player dies, it cancels the death message and replaces it with the following:

    To the player that died: "You were killed by (killer) wielding a(n) (weapon)"
    To the player who killed the player: "(boldText) +1, +5, +10 ErmaDollars (boldEnd) : You killed (player)"
    To everyone else on the server: "(player) was killed by (killer) wielding a(n) (weapon)"

    (killer) will be replaced with the killers name
    (weapon) will be replaced with the weapons name. If he used his fist, it'll cancel that part of the msg
    (player) will be replaced with the player who was killed

    The player who killed the player will either get +1, +5 or +10, it'll be chosen at random with these percent chances:

    +1 - 80% chance
    +5 - 15% chance
    +10 - 5% chance

    It would be nice if these messages could be configurable, so I can easily add color codes, etc

    Also, it'll be the sound when you get XP to the killer.

    Finally, the plugin should hook onto Vault, so they can spend their ErmaDollars on items, kits, etc. Their count should automatically decrease during purchase, no reload should be required!

    Example Config:
    playerMessage: ""
    # This message will be sent to the killed player at death #
    killerMessage: ""
    # This message will be sent to the player who killed the other player #
    serverMessage: ""
    # This message will be broadcasted to everyone else on the server #
    # Variables:
    # (player) - Replaced with the player who died
    # (killer) - Replaced with the killer
    # (weapon) - Replaced with the weapon he used (message canceled if he used fists)
    Ideas for commands:
    /ermadollars - Shows the amount of ErmaDollars you have
    /ermadollars (player) - Shows the amount of ErmaDollars another player has
    /ermadollars top - Displays the top 7 players with the highest amount of ErmaDollars
    /ermadollars add (amount) - Adds a specific amount of ErmaDollars to you
    /ermadollars add (amount) (player) - Adds a specific amount to another player
    /ermadollars remove (amount) - Removes a specific amount of ErmaDollars to you
    /ermadollars remove (amount) (player) - Removes a specific amount to another player
    /ermadollars reset - Rests your ErmaDollar count to 0
    /ermadollars reset (player) - Resets a players ErmaDollar count to 0
    /ermadollars reload - Reloads the ErmaDollars config file

    Ideas for permissions:
    ermadollars.use - Access to /ermadollars
    ermadollars.see.others - Access to /ermadollars (player) and /ermadollars top
    ermadollars.admin.add - Access to /ermadollars add (amount) (player)
    ermadollars.admin.remove - Access to /ermadollars remove (amount) (player)
    ermadollars.admin.reset - Access to /ermadollars reset (player)
    ermadollars.admin.reload - Access to /ermadollars reload

    When I'd like it by: ASAP!!

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