Plugin To MySQL

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by johnm2033, Jun 2, 2014.

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    Hello! I'm creating a plugin and I've hit a wall. I need to be able to do /ban (user) on my server and have the command transfer over to my other server. I've looked around before and everyone seems to be saying MySQL is the is the way to go. I fixed got myself a MySQL database running on my computer, I can't seem to find out how to connect the plugin I'm making to the database.

    I'm also planning on having two copies of the plugin, one transmitting other receiving. I was hoping to connect them both to the same database.

    Now for the final question. Can anyone tell me how to do it? Thanks.
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    Thanks Garris0n.

    Anyone else?
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    Well, after you go through all of that you might want to look in to connection pooling, but that's about it.
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