Punish the user when (s)he sees it

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by robotkoer, May 31, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Admin tools

    Suggested name: ActualPunishment

    What I want: A plugin that starts punishing the player whenever the player sees the punishment.
    1. A player has griefed the server 1 month ago.
    2. A moderator is banning the player for 1 month.
    3. The player rejoins 2 months later.
    4. The player has no idea (s)he has been punished, most likely repeating his/her mistakes.
    5. Basically same goes to mute - player spams, leaves the server and comes back after mute is over.
    That's what the plugin should fix - even if the player joins after 2 months, (s)he still gets punished full time.

    Ideas for commands:
    • /acban name time
    • /acipban name/ip time
    • /acmute name time
    • /acunban name
    • /acunipban name/ip
    • /acunmute name
    Ideas for permissions:
    • ActualPunishment.ban
    • ActualPunishment.ipban
    • ActualPunishment.mute
    • ActualPunishment.unban
    • ActualPunishment.unipban
    • ActualPunishment.unmute
    When I'd like it by: Whenever possible
  2. Offline


    For anyone who wishes to create this plugin, you would add the action to a queue, then when the player next joins the server, check the queue for actions with their UUID (NOT NAME), and execute them.

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