Nerf Hunger Nerf

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Deleted user, May 28, 2014.

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    Deleted user

    I know this has been asked many times before but...

    How can I nerf the hunger to be the way it was in <1.6.1?
    I'm looking for a way that doesn't require a runnable unless it is one global runnable.

    Thank You,
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    and how it was before 161
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    The saturation and such was more effective, it drains nearly 3x faster than normal.

    And do what? How exactly does that help and such? All it checks for is the changing of food, the questions is more directed to reverting the way sprinting, regening, walking, etc drain food bar.
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    Player has methods for getting the saturation level and setting it. You'd have to listen for all events which drain the saturation level and then depending on how much of a drain rate nerf you want, set the saturation level of a particular player back to what it was.
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    97WaterPolo You code in what happens in that event. set the player's saturation, food level etc. You could also use the PlayerMoveEvent (and more events that I can't think of atm). This task doesn't seem as simple as it sounds if your going to use the PlayerMoveEvent because that happens a ton.
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    multiply (or add flat value) to exhaustion\saturation inside event noted above.
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    Deleted user

    That just seems a bit illogical considering how many things you need to track. Possibly recource intensite
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