WorldGuard issue

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by advancedgamer, May 3, 2014.

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    So, I'm making a factions server, (I don't have the port forwarding done so idk what the IP is but not the point) and I got WorldGuard to protect the spawn. So no big deal?

    Big deal! I deop'd myself to test some plugins, and I was on creative, and I accidentally broke a block. It said I couldn't interact with it. That's ok, because I thought I was in the spawn region, but I wasn't. I flew around the map just breaking blocks as deop, but it wouldn't let me break ANYTHING! Why! :(
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    advancedgamer First of all, What permissions plugin are you using? Without that no one can really help you out.
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    Theres 3 reason why this may be:

    #1 Essentials Antibuild:

    Here is my essentials antibuild (this is part of essentials config), i have made what you need to set to false bold:

    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | EssentialsAntiBuild | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #

    # Disable various default physics and behaviors
    # For more information, visit

    # Should people with build: false in permissions be allowed to build?
    # Set true to disable building for those people.
    # Setting to false means EssentialsAntiBuild will never prevent you from building.
    build: false

    # Should people with build: false in permissions be allowed to use items?
    # Set true to disable using for those people.
    # Setting to false means EssentialsAntiBuild will never prevent you from using.
    use: false

    # Should we tell people they are not allowed to build?
    warn-on-build-disallow: true

    # For which block types would you like to be alerted?
    # You can find a list of IDs in plugins/Essentials/items.csv after loading Essentials for the first time.
    # 10 = lava :: 11 = still lava :: 46 = TNT :: 327 = lava bucket
    on-placement: 10,11,46,327
    on-use: 327


    # Which blocks should people be prevented from placing?

    # Which items should people be prevented from using?

    # Which blocks should people be prevented from breaking?

    # Which blocks should not be pushed by pistons?
    piston: Bedrock Obsidian

    # Which blocks should not be dispensed by dispensers
    #2 Permissions:
    The 2nd problem, you need to give default players modify world permissions, you only need 1 permission to let the players that join your server allowed to build,destroy,use,attack,chat.ext which is:
    #3 WorldGuard:
    Im not sure if you mean they cant break things inside spawn or outside of spawn, if you have world guarded spawn to disallow building which would have been, /region flag (region) build deny or /rg flag (region) build deny . If u have only disallowed building in spawn and you want to change this you can type this, /region flag (region) build allow or /rg flag (region) build allow.

    Please reply if this has helped and which one of these fixed your problem! :D


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    I did #1, and it didn't work :(
    For #2, where do I put modifyworld.*?

    And for #3, I disallowed building in just the spawn area, but I can't build/break ANYWHERE. :(
  5. Offline


    Well, have you heard of permissions?

    Permission allow you to customise what groups of players can do what. You MUST have permissions or your users/admins/ops ext. cannot do anything.

    I suggest you get GroupManager, it is made by the same people who made essentials, it alias is EssentialsGroupManager, to download you can go here:

    all of Essentials commands and nodes!
    GroupManager wiki!
    GroupManager commands!
    GroupManager config files!

    Altho there are other permission plugins, i have found this to be the best.

    After you have created a group /mangadd (name) , you can than add permissions to it, /mangaddp (name) (Permissions) . for a full list of commands visit this page, .

    There are permissions for ALL plugins. you can usally find a list of these permission on the bukkit download page, if there is no list you can always request on or ask for one in the comments at the bottom of the page. Keep in mind SOMETIMES, plugins do not have permissions, if a plugin dose not have any permissions the server will automatically allow all players to use the plugin.

    These are the most used permissions plugins. I have used all 3 and found GroupManager the best (By Far).

    After picking a plugin and creating a group add modify world.* to the Default group!

    Hope this has helped and Good Luck, still plz remember to post back telling me if this has worked! :D
    O, and if i dont answer for a couple of days, its only becouse i am usually busy during the week,
    I posted this at 18:24 Friday, 9 May 2014.

    Good Luck! :D


  6. Offline


    I have checked back here every day to see if this has fixed your problem. you couldnt even take 2min to replay to me.
  7. Offline


    That's the problem with forums, many people don't have the courtesy to even reply and say thank you when you fix their problem. They very quickly forget you when they don't need you anymore.
  8. Offline


    :'( well i didnt even help you and you were kind enought to say somthing, it shows what a kind person you are.

    Guess im off to the nxt person. i will no longer be checking this thread.
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