Overrideing PvP plugins

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Duuckky, May 13, 2014.

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    Hello, I'm creating a plugin, and I need to know how to override all friendlyfire, and PvP protection plugins.
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    Duuckky Make use of the EventHandler priorities.
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    The Fancy Whale

    Yes you can use that method, or if their event priorities are too high, you may have to make what you want to happen have a 1 tick delay or so. Highly inefficient way of doing it, but it works. Also, look into those plugins and see if they have API's and see if you really need the plugins, especially if you plan on overriding them anyway.
    Glumpz likes this.
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    Okay thanks, now what would I use to actually enable the PvP? :O
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    Like how you enable it in the server.properties?
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    No how I can enable while in game on certain players.
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    The Fancy Whale

    Well if another plugin is interfering there is nothing you can really do. In my plugin PvPOn/Off what I do is add players to an arraylist, and on entitydamageentityevent if the player is in the arraylist, I cancel the event.
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    Add players to an arraylist, check if the players are in the arraylist when being damaged, and if they aren't, don't let them pvp. (what The Fancy Whale said)
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