Looking for a bukkit-teacher!

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Robi513, May 11, 2014.

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  1. Hey guys! I am looking someone who can create bukkit and should teach me for it!
    Post a comment if you wanna :3 (I can't pay...)
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    Appljuze also has some pretty good videos if you want another source.
    xTigerRebornx likes this.
  4. That's why I asked here, It's hard to learn from videos (for me.)
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    If you want to learn the Bukkit-API, you'll need to start with Java. Read the Docs.
  6. I'll learn it if I need.
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    Robi513 You do need to. Bukkit is entirely based off of Java.
    CandyCranium and ZeusAllMighty11 like this.
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    Robi513 I would listen to those people who said you need to learn Java first. It's possible to learn both at the same time, like me, but let me tell you, it was a pain in the arse.
  9. Well, I'll learn it, too.
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