Help with My Baby cow Plugin.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by tooncool64, May 7, 2014.

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    Ok, i am making a plugin. The plugin makes every cow in the world a baby, and when it hits you it catches you on fire.
    Could someone give me suggestions on how to make this possible?
    Here is my class file so far:
    1. package plugin5;
    2. import org.bukkit.entity.Cow;
    4. public class Main{
    5. void setBaby(boolean flag){
    6. }
    7. }
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    Garris0n likes this.
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    Use CreatureSpawnEvent, listening to if it was successful (Should use EventPriority.MONITOR), and if the LivingEntity is an instanceof Cow, cast it to Cow, then make it a baby. Then, listen to EntityDamageByEntityEvent, checking if the Entity hit was a Cow, and if the Entity that hit it is a Player (and checks for the World and whatever else you want), then light the Player on fire
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    If you wanted some ideas I could help more, but basically xTigerRebornx knows whats up.
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