Inactive [FUN/ADMIN] WeatherControl v1.0 - Control the weather, or/and disable it [1337]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by halvors, Apr 21, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Version: 1.0

    License: GPLv3

    WeatherControl allows you to control the weather/thunder. You can also disable weather, thunder, lightningstrike, creeper power, pig zap, thunder fire or/and damage. Make lightning strike cause tnt-like explosions. Set weather interval. Configurable on a per-world basis.

    YouTube video by Taintedfilmz:

    Source Code

    IMPORTANT: You'll have to delete the configuration files and let WeatherControl regenerate it, or update it manually. This is because of changes, if you not do this, you may get a lot of issues.

    • Control the weather/thunder.
    • Make lightning strike cause explosions.
    • Interval support.
    • Disable weather, thunder, lightningstrike, creeper power, pig zap, thunder fire or/and damage.
    • Configurable on a per-world basis.
    • Lightning wand, strike players, creepers or pigs.
    • Customizable messages.
    • Multiworld support.
    • Lightning wand item is lightstonedust (348).
    1. Copy the WeatherControl.jar file into your plugins folder.
    2. Restart/reload server.
    3. If you want to, edit the config.yml file in plugins/WeatherControl and the world configuration files in the worlds folder.
    Show Spoiler

    /weather help - Show help.
    /weather status - Show weather status.
    /weather weather <on|off> <duration> - Show or toogle weather.
    /weather thunder <on|off> <duration> - Show or toogle thunder.
    /weather clear - Toogle clear.
    /weather strike <player> - Lightning strike you or/and other players.
    /weather strikemob [creeper|pig] <distance> - Lightning strike mob.
    /weather strikepos [x] [y] [z] - Lightning strike a specific position.
    /weather wand <count> - Get wand item or set count.

    Permissions nodes:
    Show Spoiler

    weathercontrol.* - Give you access to anything. - Show help.
    weathercontrol.status - Show weather status. - Show or toogle weather.
    weathercontrol.thunder - Show or toogle thunder.
    weathercontrol.clear - Toogle clear.
    weathercontrol.strike - Lightning strike you or/and other players.
    weathercontrol.strikemob - Lightning strike mob.
    weathercontrol.strikepos - Lightning strike a specific position.
    weathercontrol.wand - Access to use wand.

    Version 1.0
    • Compatible with CraftBukkit 1185.
    • Added ability to turn off interval messages.
    Version 0.9
    • Compatible with CraftBukkit 928.
    Version 0.8.4
    • Compatible with CraftBukkit 860.
    • Compatible with Permission 3.x.
    Show Spoiler

    Version 0.8.3
    • Compatible with CraftBukkit 818.
    • Fixed the bug that when load, it return null.
    • Added customizable messages (Can be used to add custom locales).
    Version 0.8.2
    • Added max wand count for prevent lag.
    • Possibly fixed errors in console.
    Version 0.8.1
    • Compatible with CraftBukkit 803.
    • Fixed grammar.
    Version 0.8
    • Added interval support.
    Version 0.7
    • Compatible with CraftBukkit 798.
    • Fixed disableSnowForm.
    • Added option to enable explosions on lightning strike, this is set in config file.
    • Weather does not disable when it's turned on.
    Version 0.6
    • Compatible with CraftBukkit 766.
    • Added function for set wand count by the wand command.
    • Right click now replaced with lightningStrikeEffect.
    • Added time formats.
    • Added status command.
    Version 0.5
    • Fixed bug reported by sausje.
    Version 0.4.9
    • Fixed bug with strike command.
    Version 0.4.8
    • Bugfix.
    Version 0.4.7
    • Bugfix.
    Version o.4.6
    • Fixed bug with wand (Reported by RobotGymnast).
    • Fixed big with strike command (Reported by Gimalo).
    Version 0.4.5
    • Fixed bug with wand (Reported by redsgreens).
    • Fixed bug with strike command.
    • Renamed lightning command to strikepos.
    • Added strikemob command and moved strike pig and creeper functionality to here.
    • Improved the alias weather.
    Version 0.4.4
    • Compatible with CraftBukkit 740.
    Version 0.4.3
    • Fixed invalid configuration file.
    • Added support for prevent lightning to cause mob and player damage, this is set in configuration file.
    Version 0.4.2
    • Fixed grammer reported by Azelote.
    • Added lightning command for lightningstrike a specific position (Command for wand), request by rockNme2349.
    Version 0.4.1
    • Added /weather alias.
    • Added pig and creepr support to /strike.
    • Added multiplie lightningstrikes to wand on right click, amount can be set in configuration file.
    • Now show help on if command is unknown.
    Version 0.4
    • Improved weather and thunder commands.
    • Added /wand command.
    Version 0.3
    • Compatible with Craftbukkit #733.
    • Added option for disable weather, thunder, lightningstrike, creeper power or pig zap.
    Version 0.2
    • Added lightning fire and damage protection.
    • Multiworld support.
    Version 0.1
    • Initital release.
    Bjourk and XDTobi like this.
  2. There are so many people trying to grab the title for 'First Weather Control Plugin', I don't even know who actually released the first one :p
  3. Offline


    Dont me either :)

    WeatherControl 0.4 released.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  4. Offline


    spilers have to be there for a reason, not to actually take more space!

    Also, changelog has to show the latest changes without a spoiler.
  5. Offline


  6. Offline


    Not even slightly, read my post again :)
  7. Offline


    What do you mean? Should i remove spoilers?
  8. Offline


    Well those that only hold 1-3 lines, sure
    and changelog can be spoilered, just keep the last change visible all the time, others can be in a spoiler.
  9. Offline


    It is ok now? May you move it to Plugin Releases :D
  10. Offline



    You can add a function for set a time for rain and storm without giving commands?
  11. Offline


    What do you mean? You already have the option to set the weather/thunder time in world config file...
  12. Offline


    can u check me a correct config file?

    defaultWeatherDuration: 120 # Default 5 minutes (300 secounds).
    disableWeather: false # Disable weather.
    defaultThunderDuration: 120 # Default 5 minutes (300 secounds).
    disableThunder: false # Disable thunder.
    here is for duration.I want to set that after N time do rains ..
  13. Offline


    It will autogenerate the configuration file for your world. If your world's name is "world", this file is found in plugins/WeatherControl/worlds/world.yml

    A default configuration file should look like this:

    # WeatherControl's configuration file.
    # This is the a per-world configuration file. It only affects one
    # corresponding world.
        defaultWeatherDuration: 300 # Default 5 minutes (300 secounds).
        disableWeather: false # Disable weather.
        defaultThunderDuration: 300 # Default 5 minutes (300 secounds).
        disableThunder: false # Disable thunder.
        lightningStrikeWand: true
        lightningStrikeWandItem: 348
        disableLightningStrike: false # Disable lightning strike.
        disableCreeperPower: false # Disable creeper power.
        disablePigZap: false # Disable pig zap.
        disableLightningStrikePlayerDamage: false # Prevent players to be damaged by lightning stirke.
        disableLightningStrikeMobDamage: false # Prevent mobs to be damaged by lightning stirke.
        disableLightningStrikeFire: false # Prevent lightning strike to cause fire.
  14. Offline


    i want to set that after N time do rains..

    that conf file is for duration in game...i think...
  15. Offline


    Excactly what do you want, possibility to set the weather duration after night time?
  16. Offline


    I would like to set a time to make it rain in time N


    every N minutes: make rains

    every N minutes: make thunder


    not by command...
  17. Offline


    Ok, should it be set in configuration file then? Or via commands?
  18. Offline


    maybe it be set in configuration good.

    And i i wanted to try to make a script with cron to run the commands for rains via console, but I noticed that do not work .. :(
  19. Offline


    Ok, so configuration file then :)
  20. Offline


    tyvm and sorry for my bad english :)
  21. Offline


    Ok, my english is bad too :)
  22. Offline


    halvors: In build 734 it seems the wand doesn't spawn? you do /wc wand and it says it gives you the wand, but I keep an empty inventory. No errors in console.

    All other commands work properly.
  23. Offline


    Will look into it :)

    UPDATE: Workd for me with Craftbukkit #734, thyink it's your configuration file, try delete config. Stop and start server, and test again :)
  24. Offline


    The plugin is not properly re-creating the config.yml file if you delete it. It is blank. This is off a fresh load, I will remove the plugin and let it re-create everything.

    [gimmic@tricky WeatherControl]$ cat config.yml
    Edit: found the world.yml under world specifics:
    [gimmic@tricky worlds]$ cat world.yml
    # WeatherControl's configuration file.
    # This is the a per-world configuration file. It only affects one
    # corresponding world.
        defaultWeatherDuration: 300 # Default 5 minutes (300 secounds).
        disableWeather: false # Disable weather.
        defaultThunderDuration: 300 # Default 5 minutes (300 secounds).
        disableThunder: false # Disable thunder.
        lightningStrikeWand: true
        lightningStrikeWandItem: 348
        disableLightningStrike: false # Disable lightning strike.
        disableCreeperPower: false # Disable creeper power.
        disablePigZap: false # Disable pig zap.
        disableLightningStrikeDamage: false # Prevent players to be damaged by lightning stirke.
        disableLightningStrikeFire: false # Prevent lightning strike to cause fire.[
    Still not giving me a wand. Start with empty inventory, and..
    10:14:48 [INFO] gimmic used command "/wc wand"

  25. Offline



    Sorry, didn't see that you was looking in the config.yml. WeatherControl now uses config file for each world, because of multiworld support. So config.yml is not used yet.

    Are you still not get it work?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  26. Offline


    Not that important but you spelled seconds as "secounds" in the plugin.
  27. Offline


    Is it possible you can return the ability to strike a position on the ground using a command instead of an item? I setup a hotkey on my computer to issue the lighting strike command so that I could have one-button lightning without using an in-game item.
  28. Offline


    Thanks for the report, will fix in next release :)

    Will mplement in next release.

    Released WeatherControl 0.4.3

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  29. Offline


    How I could reload the settings file? If I'm executing “weather reload” in the console I only get:
    12:05:38 [INFO] /weather <storm/sun> [duration]
    Also the version is still 0.4.2. Did you updated the file.

  30. Offline


    You have to delete config file, stop and start the server (Issue, when just reload it save the running configuration from config file).
  31. Offline


    Ehr but in the plugin.yml is still the 0.4.2 version.


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