New to Java and Bukkit Programming! Where do I start?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Marc Littlejohn, Apr 2, 2014.

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    Marc Littlejohn

    Hey everyone,

    I am new to Java and the Bukkit API. So I was wondering where do I start? Like youtube tutorials or is anyone willing to help?

  2. Start by learning the basics of Java. You should be able to find books about it.
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    I would recommend learning the statements/modifiers etc first, also learn about classes and some data types (int, double) then learn about methods and the different return types and work your way from there. I could recommend watching
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    Marc Littlejohn

    Okay, I sure will do Thanks!
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    When you're feeling comfortable with the basics, you can shoot me a PM. I have a PDF version of a book called Effective Java. It really helped me when I was learning.
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    It was meant for an intermediate audience that have a solid background in Java.
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    When you've learned some Java, take a look at this:

    It covers the basics of setting up a Bukkit plugin. The process is actually quite simple and has been described well in that tutorial.

    I myself started some years ago by reading the tutorial (it has existed & evolved for a long time already) and creating a simple HelloWorld plugin which contained only the minimum amount of code to start the plugin, write something to the server's logfile and print out a message to a player who logged in. Then I worked my way from there. The current version of my plugin is here; I still use it as a playground to try out & document some new stuff:

    Feel free to investigate & use some methods in case you find anything useful from there. I myself use the methods setDefaultValues(), loadYaml(), saveYaml(), firstRun() and copy() with almost any of my plugins, to handle configuration files loading & saving.

    Often it also helps reading code that others have been writing. I have all of my plugins in GitHub, and you can find them from the link I gave you. I do not write the most efficient & beautiful Java, so you might not want to learn from me. My code works, but as I said, it could be better. But the plugins I make are pretty simple & so they don't contain much code. Also I try to document my code as much as possible.

    Happy coding!
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    Marc Littlejohn

    I recommend Java For Dummies 5th Edition 9 Books in one.
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    Marc Littlejohn

    Okay Thanks for all your help everyone!
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