NPCS v.4.1 - Trader, Simple NPCS, iConomySupport soon

Discussion in 'WIP and Development Status' started by Jimpi, Jan 4, 2011.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2016
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    Would it be alot of work to release just the simple npcs? I'm not sure if I'm alone on this one but we just need the simple npcs for our server :D
  3. Offline


    I used notepad..
    - Maybe the danish sign fucked it up? - "ø" "æ" "å"
  4. Offline


    Probably. I got the same signs and technically not all texteditors support those letters. Might convert them. Try to use something else or toggle the settings :p
  5. Offline


    Sorry for failing :p
    here it is
    <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    without the danish letters - converted to olddanish where we used aa = å, æ = ae, ø = oe :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2016
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    Dude Nice work! i will stick this Link to the main-post. Kudos to you!
    Hi! Atm iam still bugfixing. Then i will try to port this whole Plugin. Please be patient. I do my best to get it out soon.

    Best Regards,
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2016
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    Don't worry xD I'm not bugging you :p I was more asking if you could release just a plugin called "Simple NPCs" with just the simple npcs? It's just that the other features are kind of unneeded on some servers :D But either way, great job :)
  8. Offline


    the only problem i had on my server was that the npcs only could have 1 item to either sell, or buy. This is because if you were to use iron as currency, you can only use that 1 value of iron for that 1 item. If you had another things to buy with iron it would cancel out. Is there any way to implement a system where you could buy multiple things for the same amount of currency, iconomy currency for example. You would only be able to sell 1 item and buy one item to avoid conflicting values of the same currency.
  9. Offline


    Eagerly looking fwd to this for bukkit, read the first post saw not released yet*hope droped* then about a new release*hope rised* then that its hmod(which is dead)*hope droped* then details on how to install it *hope rised* then there was the word download *hope hit the roof* then only a link to the hmod version *hope slamed the door and ran down the street screming*

    when/if this is released will we be able to buy and sell purely for iconemy curency .. ie i walk up to trader with 4 blocks of obsidian 10 blocks of sand and 2 blocks of glass, the trader is set to give me 50 gps per obsidian block, 2gps per 10 sand and 5 gps per glass, so im able to sell all that at the npc. Then with my new found wealth i browse the npc and decide i want to buy a stack of coblestone and a diamond pickaxe
  10. Offline


    I made a Pirate language pack. [Link]
    Hope you all like it. :)

    I made it cause' it's so boring with standard English while talking to NPC's :p
    I haven't tried this plugin yet, o.o;; so sorry if I did something wrong. Correct me if I did.
  11. Offline


    love it... once the plugin is out i will have to give it a go (i already have face book set to english pirate )
  12. Offline


    Thank you ;) ... Hope I didn't do anything wrong o.o;; I'm not familar with this plugin at all, just watched the videos and I'm getting it for Bukkit when it's out as well... But if the setup is the same, it should work ^^;

    EDIT: I got the idea from facebook as well, I didn't use facebook to translate it thought. :)
  13. Offline


    Any news on bukkit port ? Really looking fwd to this one!
  14. Offline


    Jimpi: why not allow for different types of NPCs? like pirate npcs british npc(using high english) and such?
  15. Offline


    not sure it would be that useful as the language file is pretty much used only for the creator of the npc with the exception of the traders "this is what i have for sale" and "this is what i can buy" withdefault npcs you can get them to say anything in any language

    i have been reading and re reading about these for several days now lol
  16. Offline


    Ah ok ok lol. didnt know that
  17. Offline


    if you watch the vid they input the message into the npc

    you could effectively have a language confused npc

    "oh arrr wheres me grog"
    "qest a ca?"
    "el speako"

    (sorry im a bilingual illiterate, i cant read or write in many different languages)
  18. Offline


    So here is my idea about how to get skins for servers that REALLY want them and I bealive most RPG servers and users would gladly sacrfice the time for this.

    Everyone knows that skins are client side right, BUT

    What if this plugin supported skins like in a numberd fashion so in a command you could add the SKIN number and that would tell the server what SKIN that trader should be.

    The way I think we can get this work is have the server send a request to the client a client side mod would then load the appropriate SKIN on the client side and volla you see the skins on the trader.

    The way this would work would mean that people who REALLY want to see skins can use the client mod to do so and the server only has to have a skin pack designed for the client to possibly be downloaded upon connection.

    I'm not sure about best way to get that working by this I mean the client being SENT the skin pack but for a visual effect we could easily make do with the server end just supporting the SKIN ID being added to the trader creation proccedure.

    Then people just need to manually place the SKINs pack in there client, tho this way leaves it open to modification.
    so maybe calling the skins pack from a FTP Server provided on the servers end could be a possible way to AUTO update a skin pack on the client end and block tempering.

    as then the client mod would upon startup download the skin pack from the FTP, that way the server owner only has to supply a presetup client mod with the info already configured.

    Now I know this is not the preffered method but its better then no method at all.

    I'm not fussed over it all but I KNOW a lot of people really want to see skins and they dont care how they get there fix for that.
  19. Offline


    of Course, new Features + MigratingStuff (converting old npcs, to new format) is working. Only Bukkit support has to be finished. Do you all use bukkit as mainserver atm ? I got a lot of requests for porting it to hmod134.... kmod is already running... but without righclick...

    Expect a update soon.
  20. Offline


    Hey Jimpi.
    I was under the impression that hmod134 was just a quickfix and not something to rely on going forward.
    I'd definitely like to see this ported to Bukkit as it appears to me like everyone is jumping on board here.
  21. Offline


    Yeah I think most of us run Bukkit here. I preffer it (because of the features that will come out) to other available server wraps.
  22. I use Bukkit and excitedly am expecting an update.
  23. Offline


    i also use bukkit..any news?
  24. Offline


    Expect release this Weekend. hMod134 is finished and will be released this evening @minecraftforums. Next Work is finish the bukkit-port. One User asked me, to support the permissions.jar, what do you think about it ?
  25. Offline


    Permissions by Niji seems like the de facto standard permissions plugin that people seem to be migrating to/supporting. I believe it's based off of the Bukkit standard. Support for that plugin would be highly appreciated all around.
  26. YAY! I think you should have it support Permissions and GroupsUsers.
  27. Offline


    ok, i will have a look at those and will implement support
  28. Offline


    You could if you want to support permissions and I am sure people will want you to. Bukkit will be released with it's own permission system though. It is just a question of when and if it is worth your time :)

    Oh and I am super PSYCHED about this plugin!
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