[DEV] OddItem 0.9.5 - Unified custom items list and parser [1.2.5-R1.0]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by petteyg359, Feb 16, 2011.

  1. Offline


    See OddItem on dev.bukkit.org.

    A database of item ids, damage values, and aliases. Provides an API so that a single set of aliases may be shared among all plugins.

    Allows players to show all aliases of their currently held item, or any other alias.

    Allows maintaining groups of items (e.g. kits) that may be accessed by multiple plugins, with arbitrary metadata in ConfigurationSection format.

    See OddItem on dev.bukkit.org.
    Rowanzy, MasterMeNL, KingPin and 2 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Could you make an option to specify whether or not item names should be checked case sensitive?

    OI.getItemStack("MyItEm123") == OI.getItemStack("myItem123");
  3. Offline


    If it's nothing but a capitalization difference, the returned "item not found" exception should nearly always be the item you want. I can add that as an option, but you can right now you could do
    if (ex.getMessage().equalsIgnoreCase(yourItemString))
     itemstack = OI.getItemStack(ex.getMessage());
  4. Offline


    This work with b709?
  5. Offline


    I haven't tested it, but I don't see why it wouldn't.
  6. Offline


    b709 is the 1.5+ compat test version, might wanna test it, a good 1/2 of plugins broke
  7. Offline


    I'll test when they have another RB. In any case, this plugin likely won't break unless something really big gets changed that would cause EVERY plugin to break (such as changing on(Command|Disable|Enable|Load)).

    Or, y'know, you could try it and post if you have problems...
  8. Offline


    How the logs are used with Odd?

    LOG = is "normal" log
    timber = spruce?

    How to sell birch (white wood) ?

    And how to sell colors only?​
  9. Offline


    Read the OP. It tells you exactly what the format is, and even has an example that includes colored wool and slabs. I don't know what you mean by "sell".
  10. Offline


    Anyone confirm this for cb build 733?
  11. Offline


    You should post in the OddGive thread, then. :)
  12. Ooops! My bad sorry! I thought I was posting on OddGive lol Sorry!
  13. Offline


    Nice plugin, thx :) but does cocobeans work?
  14. Offline


    If you put it in the list...
  15. Offline


    new recommed build is out i think it was 766
  16. Offline


    Could there be a backwards version? like, OI.getItemStackById(35, 2) would throw back the specified name (first alias?) for the wool with 2 damage. This plugin is great! I'll start integrating it with my plugins! it's exactly what I was looking for! A unified name/translation plugin! Thanks!
  17. Offline


    Not sure what you'd use it for, but I can add it.
  18. Offline


    updated item.txt for 1.6.6 here
  19. Offline


    This is a great plugin! it should get added into bukkit, so that all plugins can use a unified, configurable item names list. I added support for OddItem in all my plugins, it's so easy to integrate. Thanks a lot!!
  20. Offline


    Could you make this case-insensitive? I spent ages trying to figure out why "Birch" wasn't found. Turns out I had to use "birch".
  21. Offline


    Yeah. I've found that the Levenshtein thing often matches something other than what I would consider a closest match for typos, so I'll probably end up replacing the whole thing with something more automatic.
  22. Offline


    im having serrious problems when i and my friends breaks blocks there will be infinity stone (rarely) and grass what u cant get to your inventory! also it will dupe all items what u pick :(
  23. Offline


    This plugin has nothing to do with breaking blocks or your inventory.
  24. Offline

    Celtic Minstrel

    If only every plugin developer working with items would use this... it's not as good as the item alias system that I wrote for General, but being universal would trump that somewhat. And the ability to give suggestions when you try an invalid alias is a nice touch.
  25. Offline


    If my web server logs are at all accurate, there are around 200 servers using it, but I've only seen referrer URLs from one other plugin (thanks, iConomy Chest Shop :))

    I still plan to update this with a few more features (especially more configuration options). Need to tweak the Levenshtein, though, or rewrite suggestions entirely.
  26. Offline

    Celtic Minstrel

    Frankly, I'm more interested in how many plugins are using it than how many servers are using it. If there are only a handful of plugins using it, then it unfortunately can't really do its job well.
  27. Offline


    Is there any chance you'll release the source code? I'd like to help! GitHub!

    And I spent a whole week doing the exact same thing with my own plugin... all that wasted time! Why didn't I find out about this earlier!?

    Yes, this is definitely a must-have -- for example, if you were making a trading plugin that stored items as just IDs, and you needed to display the item names.
  28. Offline


    It's been on GitHub since 0.2 :) Feel free to fork if you've got ideas.

    There is already public Set<String> getAliases(String i). Just give it "35;2" and take the first entry in the set.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016
  29. Offline


    NOTE: Not working with OddItem 0.7, currently updating it...

    Super item.txt™ V1.04 - Bringing OddItem to a whole new level! (MC B1.7.3 @ OddItem 0.6.5)
    Last update: 02-aug-2011
    No. of downloads on this version so far: Mediafire: 2 DL's - Dropbox: 5 DL's

    This here is the post for an (in my opinion) good Item.txt, with a lot of alternatives names.
    Feel free to suggest anything to me, since I like doing this.

    Download Links (for older versions, see changelog):
    Mediafire (Asks to save.)
    Dropbox (Will probably open file in your browser instead of asking where to save.)

    • Nothing, suggest something?
    Changelog (open)

    V1.04 (MC B1.7.3 @ OddItem 0.6.5)
    02-aug-2011 (Mediafire: ? DL's - Dropbox: ? DL's)
    Mediafire Dropbox
    • Now using bit.ly to track downloads (including old ones), dropbox remains alternate though.
    • Now including update dates.
    • Now including no. of downloads per version (old versions were mediafire-tracked only).
    • Extra names (and removed some) for the smoothstone halfstep.
    • Extra names for both kind of stairs.
    • Extra names for the double smoothstone halfstep.
    • Extra name for the wooden door.
    • Extra name for the iron door.
    • Extra names for the wooden fencegate.
    • Extra names for the iron fencegate.
    V1.03 (MC B1.7.3 @ OddItem 0.6.5)
    25-jul-2011 (Mediafire: 6 DL's - Dropbox: ? DL's)
    Mediafire Dropbox
    • Extra names for slimeballs (thanks for request).
    V1.02 (MC B1.7.3 @ OddItem 0.6.5)
    23-jul-2011 (Mediafire: 4 DL's - Dropbox: ? DL's)
    Mediafire Dropbox
    • Revised the post a bit.
    • Extra names for cobblestone.
    • Extra names for minecart.
    • Extra name for wood/plank.
    • Extra name for still and normal water.
    • Extra name for still and normal lava.
    • Extra name for glass.
    • Extra names for sandstone.
    • Extra names for all (half-)steps/slabs
    • Extra name for tnt.
    • Extra name for bookshelf.
    • Extra names for obsidian.
    • Extra name for the half-woodendoor/fencegate.
    • Extra name for cactus.
    • Extra name for fish (sushi).
    • Extra name for cooked fish.
    • Extra name for bow.
    • Extra name for lava & water buckets.
    • Extra name for chest.
    • Extra names for all the ores.
    V1.01 (MC B1.7.3 @ OddItem 0.6.5)
    18-jul-2011 (Mediafire: 7 DL's - Dropbox: ? DL's)
    Mediafire Dropbox
    • Extra names for (cooked) porkchop.
    • Extra names for both records.
    • Extra names for fishing rod.
    • Extra name for clock.
    V1.00 (MC B1.7.3 @ OddItem 0.6.5)
    17-jul-2011 (Mediafire: 1 DL - Dropbox: ? DL's)
    Mediafire Dropbox
    • Initial release.
    • Features all blocks and items with all data values and additional names.
    • The only version not downloadable Found the old file.
    Pre-release versions (MC A???-B1.6.6 @ OddItem ???)
    • Used since this plugin was released on my server.
    • Still have one of a server I don't use anymore.
    • You actually read this?

  30. Offline


    The next update will include a default item.txt which will be automatically written to disk if you don't already have one.
  31. Offline


    With this you mean you have been making your own or will you use the one I posted?
    Anyway, I wish you good luck with this plugin.

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