
Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by T04ST3DMinecraft, Apr 7, 2014.


How hard/complex will this be to make? 1-easy 10-hard

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  1. Plugin category: Mechanics

    Suggested name: Customizer

    What I want: I would like a plugin that you can use for custom minigames where you can click a sign which takes you to a lobby and then you wait for enough players to start the game. Once the game is over the map would reset meaning that if a lever was pulled or a door opened, it would be set back to the way it was before. Players should also not be able to leave the arena area unless they tp out. I would like a config with the option to reset a specified map when the round ends so that I could reset some maps and not others. Also if you could make it so that a command is executed when the round starts based on the player's group that I have set up in Essentials Groupmanager and that command blocks keep their text, that'd be great!

    Ideas for commands:
    /set pos1 (sets the first position to the block the player is looking at)
    /set pos2 (sets the second position to the block the player is looking at)
    /creatarena <arenaname> (creates the arena with the designated name for editing)
    /createlobby <lobbyname> <arenaname> (sets a lobby for a specific arena where players go before their game starts)
    /setminplayers <arenaname> <# of players> (sets minimum amount of players needed to start)
    /setmaxplayers <arenaname> <# of players> (sets maximum amount of players needed to start)
    /settimelimit <arenaname> <time in seconds> (sets how long the rounds last)
    /rounds reload (reloads the config of the plugin)
    /enable <arenaname> (enables the arena. If the arena is enabled you cannot use /setminplayers, /setmaxplayers, /settimelimit, or /rounds reload)
    /disable <arenaname> (disables the arena)

    Ideas for permissions:
    arena.join.* (allows the player to join any arena)
    arena.join.<arenaname> (allows the player to join a specific arena)
    arena.create (allows the player to use /set pos, /createarena, and /createlobby)
    arena.edit (allows the player to use /setminplayers, /setmaxplayers, /settimelimit, /enable, /disable)
    arena.reload (allows the player to reload the plugin's config)

    When I'd like it by: Within a month or two if possible

    I'll probably forgot something and will come back and edit this so if you are working on this, I will tag you if there are any changes.
  2. Offline


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