Set players to be invisible to only some players

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by SaxSalute, Mar 31, 2014.

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    Part of my plugin requires selective invisibility. Say we have players 1-10 and they are in the same room for a free-for-all. I would want players 1-5 to see each other and 6-10 to see each other. How would I go about this?
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    Well the way I'd go about it first creating a Hashmap to contain all the players and then add Strings so you know what number they are. Such as, Hashmap<Player, String> players = new Hashmap<Player, String>(); Then when in your plugin as your setting the players 1-10 just add them into this hashmap. Afterwards when you want to make them invisible get the players 1-5 out of the hash map and then set the 6-10 players invisible. Probably using a loop like this.

    for(Player p : listofplayers1-5){
    Idk something like that. If you need more help you can ask me when I get back home and can actually use eclipse to compile the code.
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    Cloaking_Ocean Never store a player instance. Do HashMap<String, String> players = new HashMap<String, String>(); where one string is the players' names.
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    Okay yeah sure, if you want xD
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    Is it bad to store a player instance even if that instance is only going to be stored until the user logs out?
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    Codex Arcanum

    Shouldn't be. People's concern is that lingering instance of Player objects prevent the Java Garbage Collector from removing instances of players who logged out. Shouldn't be a problem if you remove them from the collection on logout.
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