Factions GUIDE By Andrew_Junghan

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Andrew_Junghan, Feb 27, 2014.

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    Hello Everyone,

    My name is Andrew_Junghan and i have seen many people frustrated with factions.
    So I am here to help! First off EssentialsChat and Factions are NOT compatible with Verison and below. It only works with Factions 1.8+. So your older versions with /f chat are not compatible with essentials chat.
    Factions require mCore (latest) , Vault, and a chat plugin to function. But what are these plugins?
    Well mCore is a plugin that allows MassiveCraft developers to create plugins with the right componets. Vault is a Ecomony , Permissions, and Chat Economy API. It allows you to use all chat, permissons, and economy plugins for plugins. A chat plugin is a that allows you to have prefixes and custom formats in chat.
    Just drag the factions.jar into the plugins folder and run it.
    The commands for factions are self explained.
    /f for the list on commands
    /f create to create a factions
    /f leave to leave a factions
    /f invite to invite players into a factions
    The list goes on See more at https://www.massivecraft.com/factions
    If you are a admin or the owner
    /f bypass ( or /f admin (1.8+) will give you ALL permissions to build anyware
    The tags for the chat has changed over time. [FACTION] - Displays Faction name
    1.8.2: {factions_tag} and {factions_roleprefix} also {factions_relcolor}
    {factions_tag} - Faction name
    {factions_relcolor} - Faction Relations
    {factions_roleprefix} - Faction Role Ex: * (Officer) ** (Owner)
    2.3.0: Same except {factions_tag} becomes {factions_name}
    As of 2.3.0 Factions uses economy to allow factions to have money. Claiming land and renaming can cost money.
    The Config is too big, so is the perms. So I narrowed it down
    chatSetFormat: Auto chat formats
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    Moved to Bukkit Discussion, though this may be better served on the Factions page on BukkitDev, perhaps?
  3. Offline


    Yea i should but forums are easier
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