Double Damage

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Konkz, Feb 27, 2014.

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    I am a bit stuck on the coding of something I'm doing.

    What I am attempting to achieve is 'doubling' the damage dealt if player is facing away (so if I'm looking North and I get attacked from South) that damage is doubled.

    Not sure how to go about it, thanks in advance.
  2. Offline


    Listen to the player damage event. Check if the damager is facing the same direction as the player, and there you go.
  3. Offline


    You need to check the Yaw, if the Attacker's Yaw is between a certain range(Id recommend -45º and +45º [that gives you a 90º angle]) double the damage
  4. Offline


    Would this work? I can't check, no friends. ;)
    1. if (attacker.getLocation().getDirection() == victim.getLocation().getDirection()) {
    2. //code
    3. }
  5. Offline


    I think so ...
    Then simply:
    1. e.getDamage().multiply(2);

    or something like that, sorry don't tested in eclpise...:D
  6. Offline


    Nah it wouldn't.
    First you need to get the yaw of attacker and yaw of attackED.

    check if their difference is within a value(recommended before) and if it is double. If you don't have friends just do it like me. Cracked client and offline-mode to server :3
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