[Request] Ender Chest Diversity (Item Storage)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by ThePassingStar, Feb 24, 2014.

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    Plugin category: Item Storage Additions

    Suggested name: ECDiverse

    What I want: I can't explain it as well as the video and plugin links provided. After you watch the 1 minute video and observe the plugin link, you'll get what I require. In addition, I would like perms to added so that certain players can utilize more enderchests.

    Example, regular players can only use a regular ender chest and a white wool ec. Donators may use a regular ec and the white, light grey, grey, and black wool ec. Advanced donators may use all wools ender chests. This is the best way I can put it.

    Ideas for commands: No commands needed.

    Ideas for permissions:
    ecd.blue (allows one to access blue wool enderchest contents)
    ecd.red (allows one to access red wool enderchest contents)
    etc etc etc for all the wool colors in MC.

    When I'd like it by: 27FEB2014.

    Extra Information:
    Here is a youtube video, very informative:

    And here is a plugin page: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/multienderchest/

    This plugin exists almost entirely with the plugin 'multienderchest', however, it is an abandoned project, is filled with bugs, has no config, allows open enderchest sharing which completely defeats the purpose of having an enderchest, and few other critical errors. The owner has also retired from the project. Now I turn to the other bukkit devs to continue onward.
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