
Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by cookiemonsta41, Feb 15, 2014.

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    Hey dude, I'm having the same problem, and I'm gonna tell you now, you're not gonna get any help here. The people on these forums only help people that ask the same questions every Joe Schmo has asked one million times. I've gone on the IRC chats for Bukkit and Essentials as well, and they entirely ignored me or shooed me to the other's IRC. Just wait until the problem becomes big enough for them not to ignore it anymore.
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    Mythcartoonist Some of us only answer the same type of questions over and over because those are the only problems we know how to fix. At least half of the people trying to be helpful on these forums are not experts, we are just other server owners helping with what we can. I seriously doubt that anyone who knows how to fix your problem is actually ignoring you when you bring it up. It is more likely that most of the people you've talked to simply don't have the answer.
    MaliciousMan likes this.
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    anyone at all? i really need this fixed.
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    I can help you cookie. Place it in your commands.yml like this:

    • customtext vote $1-
    cookiemonsta41 likes this.
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    thank you so much.
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    I'm not sure why but this does not fix the issue. Any ideas?
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    NateBody yeah it doesn't seen to work anymore.
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    I am having the same issue. I am really annoyed as I have a lot of commands that use custom text. Anyone else?
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    Hey, i had the same problem but i found a fix ;P

    Ill paste you a way of getting
    to do /customtext vote
    so u can show a vote link.

    - customtext vote $1 -

    This should be copy and paste able!
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