Question about entityplayer

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Paxination, Feb 14, 2014.

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    So i have a class that extends EntityPlayer. To spawn npc's. When ever an event is triggered with that entity, shouldnt I be able to test if its my NPC by doing an INSTANCEOF MYCLASS? Since it was spawned/created with my custom entityplayer class?
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    I no event is called when you add an entity that is instanceof EntityHuman. Bukkit just skips it. I would expect that PacketPlayOutNamedEntitySpawn gets sent in the spawn.
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    Thanks for the reply, but maybe you misunderstood me. I have a custom class that extends EntityPlayer. Its called OasisEntityPlayer. When I need to check if an entity was created through my class, should INSTANCEOF OasisEntityPlayer work?
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    How do you check when it is created...?
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    if(((CraftEntity) entity).getHandle() instanceof YourWhateverPlayerThing)

    Well, at least that should work. I've never needed to mess around with extending EntityPlayer.
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    Thanks that worked. Didnt think about casting to CraftEntity first.
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