Help with prison mine

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Konohaku, Feb 6, 2014.

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    Help, I'm trying all afternoon, but I can not somehow, I'm creating a mine called VIP which is restricted to the VIP group, I can not block it just for the VIP group, can teach me step by step?
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    What plugin are you using? What craftbukkit version are you using? What permissions manager are you using?
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    You could download the plugin WorldGuard.
    Create a region named whatever.
    Deny players to enter. - /rg flag <region_ID> entry deny
    Add the VIP group as a member to the region. - /rg addmember <region_ID> g:VIP
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    No problem Konohaku
    Have a good day!
    Konohaku likes this.
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