mcmmo & nocheatplus

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by DarkofMoria, Jan 25, 2014.

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    I am currently running a server on a hosted server with 5gb of ram. I am experiencing TPS lag at certain points during my server uptime. My latest one was a TPS drop from 20 tps to 8 - 14 when I have 14 people online. I do not experience it all the time with that amount online. Here is my timings during this tps drop. Link. I use compatnocheatplus, mcmmo, and nocheatplus together. I also use sql for mcmmo. If you need my config for any plugin &/or my plugin list ask if that can help solve my problem.
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    Who is the host? And where is it located? Also it might be because you have plenty of heavy plugins...
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    Your timings only ran for 3.2 seconds, that's not nearly enough to locate the cause of the lag. Run it for around 30 minutes during peak time and then post the results.
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    MegaNarwhal stephano013 I run CloudFrost Hosting and I will reply MegaNarwhal with a better one shortly. Thanks
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