Trouble in paradise with GroupManager ;S

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by jonter22, Jan 12, 2014.

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    Hello! I use groupmanager for my permission plugin. Before I show you the setup of it. Let me explain a bit on my problem. I use a plugin called BossShop to buy some ingame ranks. before they can buy level 7 they need to have bought level 6 first and so on. But With the setup I have now it seems like they can buy level 7 before level 6? would be awesome if you could check my groups.yml file out. You dont need to check all of it because the only problem is the one with the levels.

    Thankful for answers :}
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    Do /manucheckp playername permission.level7 where playername is a level5 player, if it returns that he doesnt have permission, then bossshop is checking a different permission.
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    That was strange... Now he cant .. seems like everything is working as it should? It wasnt doing that for like an hour ago ? But thank you :)
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