Create explosion at X,Y,Z?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Windows_i7_920, Apr 15, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    I am building for the latest Bukkit. Does the API allow spawning an explosion at specific coords?
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    Joey Clover

    EDIT: Yes, spawn a TNT and explode it :)
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    ... and how would I do that?
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    I can think of this: set the material of the block on x,y,z to tnt and the on x,y+1,z to fire.
    This may work but is not tested and only a suggestion
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    Daniel Heppner

    Spawn a TNT entity.
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    Here's how I determined how to do it. You don't even see a TNT, it just makes an explosion at X,Y,Z. Weird Minecraft or Bukkit bug, perhaps..? No idea how to set the timing on it, it explodes immediately upon spawning. I try and setFireTicks() on it but it doesn't seem to do anything.

    You need these imports (I think I got em all):
    import net.minecraft.server.EntityTNTPrimed;
    import org.bukkit.Location;
    import org.bukkit.World;
    import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftWorld;
    import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftPlayer;
    import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
    And here is the code:
    EntityTNTPrimed e = null;
    CraftPlayer cPlayer = (CraftPlayer)player;
    CraftWorld cWorld = (CraftWorld)cPlayer.getWorld();
    net.minecraft.server.World world = (net.minecraft.server.World)(cWorld.getHandle());
    e = new EntityTNTPrimed(world);
    org.bukkit.entity.Entity TNT = e.getBukkitEntity();
    // Define your X/Y/Z coordinates here.. (double)
    // Obviously you'll want to change these ^_^
    Double X = 123;
    Double Y = 456;
    Double Z = 789;
    Location location = new Location( player.getWorld(), X, Y, Z );
    TNT.teleport( location );
    Hope this helps :) For fun, you could set the location to player.getTargetBlock(null,60).getLocation(), then the explosion would occur at the target block instead..

  7. Offline


    Well, if you're going to compile against CraftBukkit, you could just do this:

    ((CraftWorld)player.getWorld()).a(null, x, y, z, 4);

    That will directly call the explosion method, creating one instantly. You can even specify the size of the explosion. I'm not sure if this will make the explosion sound though, probably not.

    If you want to do it the proper way though (and compile against Bukkit), you'll have to do what was already suggested, and spawn TNT with fire above.
  8. Offline


    @nisovin Unfortunately, that method seems to be deprecated - I can't find anything like it anywhere! There is now an Explosion class, but I've no idea how to spawn it in the world once created. Any help, y'all?
  9. Offline


    Whoops, it should have looked like this:

    ((CraftWorld)player.getWorld()).getHandle().a(null, x, y, z, 4);

    However, for readability, it appears you can also do this:

    ((CraftWorld)player.getWorld()).getHandle().createExplosion(null, x, y, z, 4, mysterious_bool);

    I'm not sure what that boolean does though.
  10. Offline


    LOL, found it right before you posted. I appreciate the help! I wonder what that last flag parameter at the end does.
  11. If anyone is interested:
    has to be:
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