MySQL - How to be safe?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by mike0631, Dec 26, 2013.

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    So I'm having an issue, I want to have one global database for the plugin.
    How can I protect the MySQL credentials from people that decompile the plugin?
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    I'm not sure if you can protect it properly.

    There are always (almost) ways to retrieve a certain thing even if they are protected.

    But on the other hand, it also depends on what you want to protect.

    If it's a database for passwords, you can protect the passwords with some hash algorithm like SHA256 or MD5 and put some "salt" on the hashes.

    What exactly do you want to protect?
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    Don't put MySQL credentials in the plugin.
    What you should be looking at using in this circumstance is something called public key cryptography.

    You could alternatively make a web api and have the plugin communicate with that api instead.
    This also has the added benefit of still working if you decide to stop using MySQL.
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    I want to protect the MySQL credentials.
    The code part of it.

    Yeah, I think that we're going to make a web api.

    I use compass navigation and chest-commands but I don't know how I can make it so people can have a compass from the time they join, even when they die or any other item(for chest commands)like a d sword when they join a game in hunger games so they can choose their kit.
    Thanks in advance.

    Anyone please?
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    timtower understands reflection.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Put it into the config?
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    Your best choice is probably to make a web API, but even that can be hacked if your website has shit security.
  8. Only thing I can think of is that you use php to execute the querries and print the results in html. You might want to authenticate the server though, maybe using a key that is unique for every server and have that as a post variable, as well as the name and ip of the server, as those 3 should be the primary key
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    Write a basic PHP-script that recieves the data you send to it and puts it in the database. I recommend that you use encryption to protect the data, in this case you want to look at public-key-encryption.

    1. Your plugin collects the data that has to be sent.
    2. It then encrypts said data using the public key.
    3. It sends the data to the PHP-script-
    4. The PHP-script decrypts the data using the masterkey.
    5. The script saves the data in the database.
    For an example:
    I created a plugin called "Register" that allowed players to register to the community forum by using a command inside minecraft. This allowed the owners of the community to disable the ordinary registration-function on their website and forced the players to register inside Minecraft. By doing so, the admins and such could be 100% sure that whoever used the forum used the exact same name as their Minecraft-account.
    You can find the sourcecode for it here:
    It basically does everything I listed above, except that it uses AES-128 encryption to protect the data and not public-key.
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