[ UPDATE ] CommandSigns

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by KingPsychopath, Dec 18, 2013.

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    As seen on http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/read-me-first-plugin-requests-guide.81209/


    As found on the command signs BukkitDev page.
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    In the mean time you could use CraftBook's CommandSigns feature.
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    Command signs still work for me :confused:
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    KingPsychopath Maybe post the errors? Or make sure that they really don't work since they work when 15987632 is using them
  6. check out serversigns, inactive atm but works.
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    Search for : Server Signs
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    I have common sense, lol. I already know about this just I have over 500 signs with commandsigns, I do not want to rewrite..
    In 1.7.2? If so how? What build are you running?
    Nice way of advertising your plugin, as well as answering my question, I will probably move to craftbook If I can't get commandsigns working..
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    Locked. Not a plugin request.
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