Firework launching causing client crash

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ZeusAllMighty11, Jun 22, 2013.

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    Firework fw = (Firework) e.getPlayer().getWorld().spawnEntity(e.getPlayer().getLocation(), EntityType.FIREWORK);
    Whenever I use this, it is fine for a few seconds, then lags really bad and crashes the client. Anyone know why?
  2. Offline


    i used to have the same problem, im not sure there is a fix. i jsut removed fireworks out of my plugin. except that my fireworks only lag it bad then crashed when the respawn screen was up. if yours is just regular and not the respawn screen, you could try using a different firework code.
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    Mine is on the respawn screen.. weird
  4. Offline


    Yes, I can confirm that fireworks indeed cause lag. I have made a plugin that shoots of fireworks at the end of a hunger games, and 1/2 of the time it will crash players clients.
    bennie3211 likes this.
  5. Offline


    I can confirm, that fireworks are still causing massive lag.

    Is the staff working on fixing the problem?
  6. Offline


    Just saying not trying to be mean or anything, This post looks like a copy paste of chase's post :þ
  7. Offline


    Wasn't a copy-paste, I just encountered the problem lately and since this thread hasn't been touched for a while, I confirmed that the bug still happens.
    Also I heard that the actual problem is spawning the firework entity without having any effects on it. Minecraft can't handle that. Even though you need to spawn the rocket first, before you can edit the entity in bukkit. :/
    (Or can you create an entity without spawning it???)
  8. fireworks lagging the game is a bug from the minecraft client, the client wont handle despawning of entities properly when it is at the respawn screen, firework is causing many throuble, because every firework efect is actually a new firework entity, and minecraft only removes those entities after you pressed respawn or title screen
  9. Offline


    How about just playing the particle effects of fireworks?
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