Help iConomy ;-;

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by LeeoSantos, Nov 25, 2013.

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    I don't recommend that you hard-edit iConomy's code, if you're going to make an Economy plugin, you should probably build it from scratch, with iConomy as a reference point. Just my suggestion.
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    Dpasi314 I just want to translate something
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    Then I think you'd be better off not going into the source code, and then just translating whatever you need to in your own plugin. It would be far easier in my opinion.
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    Dpasi314 when I open this class (iconomy) always of this error, even in the plugin.
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    Well when you make your plugin you shouldn't be copy-pastaing the class, you should inherit the class, or call the class, and then use the iConomy API rather than re-coding it for only a few translations.
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    I just want to translate these 2 lines.

    1. nodes.put("top.opening", "<green>-----[ <white>Wealthiest Accounts <green>]-----");
    2. nodes.put("top.item", "<gray>+i. <green>+name <gray>- <white>+amount");

    1. nodes.put("top.opening", "<green>Top<white> 5<green> jogadores mais ricos:");
    2. nodes.put("top.item", " <white>+i. <green>+name <white>( <green>+amount<white> )");
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    Then get the wealthiest amounts from iConomy and then Translate it in your own plugin. There's really no need to edit iConomy's code.
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    Dpasi314 in template.yml? if it is, I've tried and does not work
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    No. Let's say that you want to get the top 5 wealthiest people, but you want to translate what iConomy has - Simply, make your own plugin and get the top 5 wealthiest people. Now, these five people are unformatted, there is only their names and their amounts. In your own plugin create a method that is translated to your liking and then display the top 5 amounts. Albeit there is a method in the iConompy API that allows you yo get the first 5 wealthiest people.
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    I'm not good at creating plugins, just wanted to translate it but it seems to be difficult.

    I give up :(
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    Don't give up! Sorry I assumed you could create plugins :\ I assumed it cause you were editing the code. You can try just removing the lines of code that are red-squiggled and see if that works? And translate it through hard-coding.
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    Dpasi314 This ( is an import, I've tried to remove but does not work. :(
    I think I'll ask someone to translate for me,
    is only 2 lines Should not be difficult for those who know how to create plugins
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