Solved Shop System

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by mrkirby153, Nov 3, 2013.

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    I have the basics for a GUI shop system set up but I want an easy way for me to add items to the shop like set the inventory contents to
    and run the "buy(Player player)" method in the <EXECUTOR> class.

    The ShopItem has to somehow become an ItemStack with the name set to NAME, material set to MATERIAL, description be: "DESCRIPTION" and on a new line "Cost: COST coins". I have no idea how to do that and hope that some people can give me some examples or pointers:)
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    Hm...just wondering, would it be easier to have to create a new ShopItem object for each item, or have a method such as ShopItem.addItem() that does it?
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    I would do a Shop that has shop items and buy and sell shop items. Also why do you need a Executor for every shop item? Why not make a static variable and set it on start?
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    As for the prices and descriptions and all of that for the items, HashMaps are a way to go. Have several hashmaps that have <Item, String> or <Item, double>, and stuff like that. When you need information, call these HashMaps all at once, and present that information to the player.
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    This is inefficient and a bad practice. Wrappers are the way to go.
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    What exactly are 'wrappers'?
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    Wrappers are objects that contain references to other objects. A player wrapper allows you to reference a player and add functionality without implementing a new type of player. Wrappers are very useful. A wrapper in this instance would be a Shop and contain ItemStacks. Prices and names would be contained in a separate object that makes these values constant or otherwise. This is a much more efficient and OO way to program.
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