Check players resource packs

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ionre, Oct 20, 2013.

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    Hello out there!
    I am developing a plugin that requires the player to download and install a resource pack. Currently, I'm trying to send a link to the player if doesn't have my resource pack and kick him after 30 secconds if he doesn't install it. In order to do so, I need to get the resource packs the player is using.

    Question: How can I check what resource packs a player is using?

    PS: It would be nice if someone could come up with a simple way to force the player to install the resource pack!
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    I don't think you can do this, most likely this is handled client-side.
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    ionre Wait for 1.7 because they fixed server resource packs
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    monkeymanboy still at that point, it would still be handled client-side, I am pretty sure.
  6. Offline


    OK then, is there a way to implement something in the resourcepack (without changeging the minecraft.jar) that will send the server a message that it is installed?
    Basicly tell the server on PreLogin or something "Hello there, I'm installed" from code in the resourcepack?
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  8. Offline


    1.7 has better mod support, correct me if I'm wrong but can't servers install mods (or something similar) in an upcoming 1.7 version? Maybe that could be done if it's possible.
  9. Offline


    I hope so! My plugin propably won't be finished before bukkit for 1.7 comes out anyway, so if 1.7 has this feature I'll be happy with that
  10. Offline


    This could be done with Spout / Forge currently (client sending info to the server about having the texture installed) I think... but 1.7 should have some sort of stuff for this as mentioned above.
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    You could make something to then make their computer attack other computers - send you information etc.
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