[INACTIVE][INFO] Informant v1.6 - Basic Login message, MOTD and GeoIP [602]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by MarkusNemesis, Jan 18, 2011.

  1. Offline



    tl;dr - a Plugin that displays an MOTD and the player list in a specified colour, as well as inform users of a new user. Can be set up to display user's name and country when joining

    Config file can set MOTD (up to 5 lines) and the colour you want it to be exported as
    !infreload reloads the MOTD
    !motd displays MOTD again along with the playerlist (This Command can be edited in the informant.properties)
    !playerlist displays the playerlist (This Command can be edited in the informant.properties)
    Please note!:!motd and !playerlist will ONLY be set as the default, if you set them as active in your informant.properties file. e.g. to enable !motd, enter "motdcmd=" or "motdcmd=!motd". If you don't wish it to be !motd you can make it "motdcmd=!<anything you like>" and it will trigger the same as !motd. Same goes for !playerlist, you have to set it to use it. and you can set it to whatever you like.

    1. Install the informant.jar into your plugins directory and start and stop the server (creating the informant.properties file in the server root directory then /plugins/informant/<here>)
    2. Edit the informant.properties file to show "motd=Your MOTD Here"
    3. For multiple lines, line 2 would be "motd2=this is line 2" up to "motd5=this is line 5, the last line"
    4. Below that, type "colour=" and then 1 of 16 colours
    dark blue
    dark green
    dark aqua
    dark red
    dark purple
    dark gray
    light purple
    5. the "!playerlist" command output can be customised using "playlistmsg=". e.g "playlistmsg=Current players are: " which will, when !playerlist is typed output "Current players are: MarkusNemesis"

    Inside your MOTD, you can have % codes:
    %p will display the connecting player's name. (e.g. "motd=Welcome %p!" will output "Welcome Markusnemesis!")
    %n displays the player count. (e.g. motd=Welcome %p, there are currently %n player(s) playing" will output "Welcome MarkusNemesis, there are currently 1 player(s) playing"
    %l resolves the user's IP address to a country. NEW!

    All of these outputs will be in the colour you chose.

    6. Server now informs others on the server of a user's first time when they join. This message is customised using "newusermsg=", e.g. "newusermsg=%p is new! say hi!"

    7. Player joining the server executes the new "playerjoined=" field in the properties file. playerjoined= uses the same %commands as all and displays to all players.

    How to disable features:
    Refer to the example informant.properties file below for an explanation as to how.



    DOWNLOAD Version 1.5
    Download Version 1.5.1 build #107
    Download Version 1.5.2 build #450 NOT BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE
    DOWNLOAD Version 1.6
    Download Version 1.6 build #470 !help now displays help
    Download Version 1.6.1 build #470 player list now displays on login if set to.
    Download Version 1.6.1 build #556 (Informant builds were based off bukkit builds, not craft bukkit builds... Has since been recompiled for craftbukkit #556)
    Download Version 1.6.1 build #602
    Download Version 1.6.2 build #602 (No new features, just bug fixes.)

    Any suggestions? please leave them below!

    Updated to CraftBukkit #81

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2016
  2. Offline


    KK, thanks. Upload progress? :p
  3. Offline


    OP updated, 1.5 released :D

    Please report any bugs ASAP
  4. Offline


    Let me test :)
    --- merged: Jan 21, 2011 5:43 PM ---
    It worked when i logged in but i can't find the .properties file o.o there's just a GeoIP.dat file
  5. Offline


    in your /plugins/informant ?

    it should be there, if you don't have one it creates one. i just got a fresh plugin file with the contents of informant1-5.zip and it worked. Created a new empty one.
  6. Offline


  7. Offline


    Well restart the server, see what it says and dump here the log of the console.
  8. Offline


    Still the same. Console gives some random Java error, but that is usual, lol :p
  9. Offline


    the random Java error is a little less random if you know what to look for. so can you please paste in the console log of your server from start to error? including the error?
  10. Offline


    sorry, but i'm running my server from my iPhone via iSSH so i can't really paste the errors...
  11. Offline


    Hmmm. Okay. Well, replicating your issue. having the informant.jar in the /plugins file and the informant directory (which is /plugins/informant) containing only the geoIP.dat file. It still created the empty informant.properties file.

    What i can suggest is just copy your old properties file into there and that's it, fixed. As i cannot replicate this so i have no leads in order to fix it.
  12. Offline


    It worked, but /motd still does nothing o.o
  13. Offline


    so you set the motdcmd= to "motdcmd=/motd" ? or kept it blank?

    Seems like the hard coded default has broken. if you want to execute /motd, i guess you need to activate it in the properties file by setting it as "motdcmd=/motd"

    just tested it on my server, i had to set it for it to work.
  14. Offline


    where do i have to set that?
  15. Offline


    in your informant.properties file. I'm updating the OP to show this. I've decided to make it a feature that unless declared, commands will not be enabled.
  16. Offline


    I've added it to that file amd seems like it fixed the problems :p
  17. Offline


    Good to hear. keep me posted.
  18. Offline


    what the fuuck :p
    1. I've downloaded 1.5
    2. My properties:
    motd=Welcome %p from %l, there are currently %n player(s) playing!
    colour=dark green
    playlistmsg=Current players are:
    newusermsg=%p is new! say hi!
    3. My output:
    Welcome Rallerbabz from N/A, there are currently n player(s) playing!

    PS: I'm from Denmark - yeah we are maybe abit small but WE DO EXIST! :D

    - Could you fix this? :D
  19. Offline


    if you connected to the server via your LAN, you wont show up correctly due to your IP being a LAN IP.

    I'll look into the "n" thing.
  20. Offline


    Okay, thanks mate :)
  21. Offline


    I've found that for some reason it will not resolve the last %command, so, covertly hide a %command at the end of the motd and all the useful ones will resolve properly.
  22. Offline


    atm I'm waiting for minecraft.net to work, then I'll test it! :)
  23. Offline


    Version 1.5.1 released.

    Fixes %commands at the end of outputs not resolving correctly.

    File server had a heart attack and forgot all the links.

    Old versions tidied up and such.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2016
  24. Offline


    When I click on Download, a window pops up saying "This ID doesn't exist!" Can you plz update the download link? I belive I am not doing anything wrong because all I did was click on the link.
  25. Offline


    Same here!
  26. Offline


    link has been fixed. I'm a total derp.... I need to find a better click counting solution.

    I like to see how popular things are.
    --- merged: Jan 22, 2011 1:14 PM ---
    How does everyone feel about a /rules function and customised rules?
    much like the MOTD, it comes in its own colour and 5 lines, and can be displayed by a user set /rules command?
    e.g. "rules=No lava" "rules2=another rule". you can also have more than 1 rule at a time but this is just an example.
  27. Offline


    thank you i apreshiate it. :)
  28. Offline


    No bug reports? I must have done well! :D
  29. Offline

    Nathan C

    Nice, it's working great. [​IMG]
  30. Offline


    Glad you enjoy it! Feel free to post suggestions and such, ill get right onto them once i finish bending my head around Lists of lists of strings... 1st second and 3rd dimensions and typing nonsense.
    --- merged: Jan 23, 2011 10:56 PM ---
    ALSO! We've reached 75 Unique downloads! meaning, that (i assume) at least 50% of the downloads are in actual use. which, is 37.5 people are ACTUALLY using it! 37.(the unexpected midget)5 more than what i imagined would ever use it! whoa!
  31. Nice! and can you add /help?

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