Solved Kit help?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by HiddenAether, Oct 7, 2013.

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    Hi, im HiddenAether owner of LateNightMC. Im looking for a kit plugin that allows users to pick one kit and only one, if they select another kit then the plugin will wipe the previous kit and give the player the new kit. The problem with essentials is that it gives the player the kit for however many times the player can click the sign, i dont want that. I know there is a plugin for what im looking for. Just cant find it. Any help?
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    HiddenAether How do you know one like this exists? Have you seen it? I can't recall having seen a plugin with this functionality ever, however I'm sure that if you make a ticket for BattleKits we can totally add it.
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    Nearly all Kit plugins let you set a cooldown period, Just make the kit cooldown very high, like a year.
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    I have seen this plugin on many servers. Especially kitpvp servers. And me looking around, looks like LiteKits is my best bet with the "One kit per world" extension.
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    If your using Essentials go through the Config with a fine toothpick and you will fine the Kits area you can set the items and the cool down period. The cool down period is in minutes I believe.
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    Ok Then I am going to Request This to be closed
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    Marked as solved.
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