Inactive [GEN] Essentials v2.1 [?]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Zenexer, Jan 19, 2011.

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  1. Offline


  2. Offline


    Just as @Tazzernator said. :)

    I'm off to bed for tonight. @obliviron , I'll check back on this thread from my phone a few times before I fall asleep, in case you respond.
  3. Offline


    yeah i seen that and removed it, still goes in though.. do i need to leave '' just like that?
    and thanks for the fast respounce.
  4. Offline


    Exactly. It defaults to a tilde for security.
  5. Offline


    Maybe put a space? :p
  6. Offline


    A space would actually prefix it with a space, lol.
  7. Offline

    Gene Myers

    Hey, everything is working fine.. except how come /help dosent show anything besides go to help 2.etc..etc.. help 2 just says go to help 3

    EDIT: Help page 3 shows commands /verssion and /plugin.. but nothing else

    but all commands DO work
  8. Offline


    Hey Zen i had an idea ... how bout a command that tp's you to the block you're pointing at? This would work really well with macros...

  9. Offline


    I can't give me Items :(
    I try to use /give and /item and I'm the Server Admin.

    Do you now why?
  10. Offline


    are you doing:

    /give <playername> <#id> <amount>

    ?? Note the spaces as well..
  11. Offline


    How do you use permissions with this?

    I added the nodes to the right groups - yet they can still use all the commands - like /tree even when the node is not assigned to them.
  12. Offline


    I'm getting the same thing, though I get two lines like this:

    Type /help 2 to see the next page.
    Some commands may be disabled on this server.

    For me it's gone up to 10 pages, stopped trying to find a limit after that.
  13. Offline

    Ryan Hamilton

    1. Working good.
    2. Would like more control over chat,
    I like nicknames, -maybe- i might need to get a users realname for ban purposes​
    I would like color modification for groups, like admin/whatever​
    Also chat control like limiting range, and adding "shout", or "all"​
    3. Like implimenting codeRed, cause apparently iConomy threw in the towel.
    4. Thank you for /clearInventory, I didnt want to get a whole nother addon for that.
    5. Kits: can they cost codeRed money? <-- Would like very much
    6. Trees, /tree, maybe use crosshair location instead? with a limit of distance? maybe 20 units.
    7. /help, since "some commands might be disabled" why not put it in the config?? I'd like to change its order.
    by the way, my /help works as intended​
    Now, on a HUGE side note. To whoever was the other plugin maker or whoever cares...
    I dont really care who makes the plugins,
    I dont care what they are called.
    I just want them to work. Like they are supposed to. Easily.
    And i want as few as possible.
    This addon combines quite a lot that I need/want
    So thank you, for compiling all this into one.
    PS. why cant plugin makers just get together and make amazing ---- ?
    PPS. and keep them up to date? 'cough' iCo--my​
  14. Offline


    I am using Permissions plugin, however do not know how to re-direct permission from config.yml to permissions instead. If my words are confusing you here is what I mean:
    • I put the correct nodes into Permissions
    • I start both plugins - No errors
    • However, Instead of limiting the commands which I give people, it give them commands from config.yml.
    Sidenote: Config.yml works fine(I just want to use Permissions instead)
    Also: Am I doing it right? or is this how its supposed to be?
  15. Offline


    is there an over all command? so i h´dont have to write every command into permissions?
  16. Offline


    By "it doesn't work" I mean that if i type /kit, nothing shows.
    And for the other problem, with the copypasta, I had to open it with wordpad instead of Notepad. Works better ;)
  17. Offline


    The plugin can not be downloaded,
    the file is offline

    /edit ok geht wieder thx
  18. Hi, with the #121, I have this when player connect:

    org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager callEvent
    GRAVE: Could not pass event PLAYER_JOIN to Essentials
            at org.bukkit.earth2me.essentials.Essentials.getMotd(
            at org.bukkit.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsListener.onPlayerJoin(
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
            at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.b(SourceFile:121)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.a(SourceFile:47)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:91)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    Why? :p Thanks.
  19. Offline


    Could you add /who command? is the only command that is in General but not in Essentials
  20. Offline


    Did not understand half thing but i think i understand.
    When you are in the Users.yml you copy and paste
    YOUR NAME: permissions: - /THE COMMAND - /give - /ETC...
    And then you just change YOUR NAME to your ign and /THE COMMAND to like example /time then you would be able to do both /time day /time night and you could just copy n paste the lines for more commands.
  21. Offline


    Bug Report:
    /setspawn is broken
  22. Offline


    nice plugin - better than general imo.

    Could you make it possible to copy the old home.txt from hmod to bukkit so it recognize these? :) It would be awesom..:)
  23. Offline


    ok please tell me when you have it to work with premission :D Thanks
  24. Offline


    i'm having problems with Restrictions.
    i have things unrestricted but when a non op uses them they get a message sayin they are restricted from using them

    heres the Config
    and still having restriction problems
    # Do not move, modify, or erase this line.
    version: 40
    #command-prefix: 'g'
    nickname-prefix: '~'
    default-stack-size: 64
    - '&cWelcome to KrypleKraft, {PLAYER}!'
    - '&cGo to more info'
    - '&fType &c/help&f for a list of commands.'

    disable-tp: false
    disable-tele: false
    disable-tphere: false
    disable-telehere: false
    disable-s: false
    disable-item: false
    disable-i: false
    disable-give: false
    disable-g: false
    disable-list: false
    disable-playerlist: false
    disable-who: false
    disable-online: false
    disable-home: false
    disable-sethome: false
    disable-mail: false
    disable-helpop: false
    disable-clearinventory: false
    disable-getpos: false
    disable-coords: false
    disable-nick: false
    disable-whois: false
    disable-realname: false
    disable-realnick: false
    disable-spawn: false
    disable-setspawn: false
    disable-tree: false
    disable-bigtree: false
    disable-top: false
    disable-time: false
    disable-kit: false
    disable-plugin: false
    disable-help: false
    disable-heal: false
    disable-motd: false
    disable-ban: false
    disable-kick: false
    disable-unban: false
    disable-pardon: false
    disable-banip: false
    disable-unbanip: false
    disable-pardonip: false

    # Restricted commands will only be available to ops.restrict-tp: true
    restrict-tele: true
    restrict-tphere: true
    restrict-telehere: true
    restrict-s: true
    restrict-item: true
    restrict-i: true
    restrict-give: true
    restrict-g: true
    restrict-list: false
    restrict-playerlist: false
    restrict-who: false
    restrict-online: false
    restrict-home: true
    restrict-sethome: true
    restrict-mail: false
    restrict-helpop: false
    restrict-clearinventory: true
    restrict-getpos: true
    restrict-coords: true
    restrict-nick: false
    restrict-whois: true
    restrict-realname: true
    restrict-realnick: true
    restrict-spawn: true
    restrict-setspawn: true
    restrict-tree: true
    restrict-bigtree: true
    restrict-top: true
    restrict-time: true
    restrict-kit: true
    restrict-plugin: true
    restrict-help: false
    restrict-heal: true
    restrict-motd: false
    restrict-ban: true
    restrict-kick: true
    restrict-unban: true
    restrict-pardon: true
    restrict-banip: true
    restrict-unbanip: true
    restrict-pardonip: true

    # Note: All items MUST be followed by a quantity!
    # Times are measured in seconds.
    delay: 10
    - 277 1
    - 278 1
    - 279 1
    - 20 64
    - 20 64
    - 20 64

    AND for some reason when i signed on your plug-in thought i was FLIPBOOK and my name was not that.. that person was on at the time but was not me. could have been a weird eror but the MOTD didn't say my name and when i tried to teleport him it teleported me.
  25. Offline


    Do you think you could add 'permissions' to /tp?
    Not the 'permissions' by limiting the /tp command to groups, but having it so that anyone can teleport, but they request for permission to the person they're teleporting to before they can /tp.

    So on the other person's chat log it said something like:
    "[Player] is requesting to tp to you, type /accept to accept and /deny to deny"

    I've seen this plugin on a server running hMod before, just didn't know what it was.
    It was quite nifty :)
  26. Offline


    you've set it to true, it needs to be on false...
  27. Offline


    What about (instant) private messages?
  28. Offline


    Is there a way to add example /kit admin for only admins. I don't want my all players to have a diamond kit. Also, I need this feature to my VIP players.
  29. Offline


    I don't know if it was possible before with hmod but before I had this plugin, I had the General plugin and I could spawn colored wools.*note* I noticed there was a file created called items and its a DB file,when I open it it is blank but before it was filled with the item id's
  30. Offline


    i only want a few things for my players
    but /who and /mail are both restricted with this config

    everything else i want for OPs

    # Do not move, modify, or erase this line.
    version: 40
    #command-prefix: 'g'
    nickname-prefix: '~'
    default-stack-size: 64
    - '&cWelcome to KrypleKraft, {PLAYER}!'
    - '&cGo to more info'
    - '&fType &c/help&f for a list of commands.'

    disable-tp: false
    disable-tele: false
    disable-tphere: false
    disable-telehere: false
    disable-s: false
    disable-item: false
    disable-i: false
    disable-give: false
    disable-g: false
    disable-list: false
    disable-playerlist: false
    disable-who: false
    disable-online: false
    disable-home: false
    disable-sethome: false
    disable-mail: false
    disable-helpop: false
    disable-clearinventory: false
    disable-getpos: false
    disable-coords: false
    disable-nick: false
    disable-whois: false
    disable-realname: false
    disable-realnick: false
    disable-spawn: false
    disable-setspawn: false
    disable-tree: false
    disable-bigtree: false
    disable-top: false
    disable-time: false
    disable-kit: false
    disable-plugin: false
    disable-help: false
    disable-heal: false
    disable-motd: false
    disable-ban: false
    disable-kick: false
    disable-unban: false
    disable-pardon: false
    disable-banip: false
    disable-unbanip: false
    disable-pardonip: false

    # Restricted commands will only be available to ops.
    restrict-tp: true
    restrict-tele: true
    restrict-tphere: true
    restrict-telehere: true
    restrict-s: true
    restrict-item: true
    restrict-i: true
    restrict-give: true
    restrict-g: true
    restrict-list: false
    restrict-playerlist: false
    restrict-who: false
    restrict-online: false
    restrict-home: true
    restrict-sethome: true
    restrict-mail: false
    restrict-helpop: false
    restrict-clearinventory: true
    restrict-getpos: true
    restrict-coords: true
    restrict-nick: false
    restrict-whois: true
    restrict-realname: true
    restrict-realnick: true
    restrict-spawn: true
    restrict-setspawn: true
    restrict-tree: true
    restrict-bigtree: true
    restrict-top: true
    restrict-time: true
    restrict-kit: true
    restrict-plugin: true
    restrict-help: false
    restrict-heal: true
    restrict-motd: false
    restrict-ban: true
    restrict-kick: true
    restrict-unban: true
    restrict-pardon: true
    restrict-banip: true
    restrict-unbanip: true
    restrict-pardonip: true

    # Note: All items MUST be followed by a quantity!
    # Times are measured in seconds.
    delay: 10
    - 277 1
    - 278 1
    - 279 1
    - 20 64
    - 20 64
    - 20 64
  31. Offline


    Can we have something like /blocktp and /blocksummon? For example if a player uses /blocktp it toggles a teleport block on them, so people can't teleport to them.

    Also, could you give an option to make /time local to the player? So people can set their own personal time?
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